Chair & Associate Professor of Counselor Education
Dr. Deal is a nationally certified counselor with experience working with a diverse
demographic of clients with a variety of presenting problems. His work as a clinician
includes a college counseling center, outpatient addictions, and religious/spiritual
communities. He also has extensive experience working with the families of struggling
adolescents as a wilderness guide and therapist. In addition to his experience as
a clinician, Dr. Deal is active in scholarship, having contributed peer-reviewed publications,
a co-authored book, grant-funded projects, invited chapters, and presentations at
the state and national level. His primary research interests focus on integrating
the existential and psychospiritual dynamics of human flourishing in mental health
counseling, particularly in the areas of meaning-making in emerging adulthood, lived
experiences of sacredness in environmental justice activism, spiritual and religious
cultural competency, nature-based therapy and counselor competency with psychedelics.
As a trauma and diversity-informed certified mindfulness meditation teacher and spiritually
integrated therapist, he especially enjoys inviting his students into a holistic process
of contemplative education, which draws on compassion and wisdom practices to educate
the whole person and foster community. Those interested in how mindfulness can support
resilience and wellness as a student and clinical professional are welcome to join
his six-week Introduction to Mindfulness course on a voluntary basis. Outside the
classroom, he enjoys dabbling in the rich cultural practices of life in the Adirondacks
with his family, such as canoeing, backpacking, farming and building projects.
Certified mindfulness teacher-professional, 2021–2023. Accredited by the International
Mindfulness Teachers Association
Deal, P. J., & Magyar-Russell, G. M. (in press). Guidebook for understanding and navigating religious,
spiritual, and secular countertransference. In Fox, J., Currier, J., & Vieten, C.
(Eds.) Handbook of Training in Spiritual and Religious Competencies in Mental Health Professions. Oxford University Press.
Rajkoc, B., Hanna, T., Deal, P., Richards, W., & Dean, J. (accepted). Spiritually significant psychedelic experiences:
A qualitative study of personal accounts of mental health professionals, Journal of Transpersonal Psychology.
Deal, P. J., & Magyar-Russell, G. (2022). A qualitative study of sanctification: How nature becomes
sacred for environmental activists. Spirituality in Clinical Practice. https://doi:10.1037/scp0000285
Deal, P. J. & Bukowski, M. (2021). Bridging spirituality/religiousness and ecotherapy: Four psychospiritual
themes to guide conceptualization and practice. Ecopsychology,
Morgan, G., Stamatis, A., Cowden, R., Deal, P. J., Reuger, S. (2021). The role of religious commitment in transitioning between religion/spirituality
profiles patterns. American College of Sports Medicine, Annual Meeting
Stewart-Sicking, J., Fox, J., Deal, P. J. (2020). Bringing spirituality and religion into counseling: A model for pluralist practice. New York, NY: Routledge.
Deal, P. J., & Magyar-Russell, G. (2018). Sanctification theory: Is nontheistic sanctification
nontheistic enough? Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 10(3), 244-253.
Stewart-Sicking, J., Deal, P. J., & Fox, J. (2017). The Ways Paradigm: A transtheoretical model for integrating spirituality
and religion into counseling. Journal of Counseling and Development, 95, 234-241.
Magyar-Russell, G., Robertson, T., & Deal, P. J. (2015). Religious and Spiritual Assessment. The Maryland Psychologist, 60 (4), 7-11.
Magyar-Russell, G., Deal, P. J., & Brown, I. (2014). Potential Benefits and Detriments of Religiousness and Spirituality
to Emerging Adults. (Eds.), C. Barry & M. Abo-Zena. Emerging adults’ religiousness and spirituality: Meaning-Making in an Age of Transition (pp 39-58). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Deal, P. J. (2014). Sanctification within the middle ground: A narrative phenomenology of nature
as sacred. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation).
Manuscripts in preparation
Deal, P. J. Understanding psychedelics: Implications for understanding and healing the critical
x-factor of psychospiritual “dis-ease”
Deal, P. J., Hanna, T. S. A thematic analysis of broaching psychedelic experiences in counseling:
Building cultural competence in interpersonal process.
Deal, P. J., Magyar-Russell, G. A grounded theory of clinician resistance to engage with R/S
in therapy: Identifying and understand barriers (Templeton Grant Funded Project: $45,000)
Deal, P. J., Delaney, M., & Schreiber-Pan, H. Effects of nature-based stress reduction on anxiety
and transcendence
Spiritual and Religious Competencies Grant Conference: Deland, FL Clinician Resistance to Engage with R/S in Psychotherapy: Understanding and Navigating
Barriers (May, 2024)
Association of Spiritual Ethical and Religion Values in Counseling: Orlando, FL Developing counselor competency with psychedelics: Clients reporting naturalistic
use of psychedelics (June, 2023)
Nontheistic Sanctification: The Sacred in the Here-and-Now. 2021 (Nov-Dec). Invited presentation for online course. OpenDiv.
The healing potential of nature as sacred: Re-embodiment, remembering, and reenchantment. 2021 (October 16). Neumann University Homecoming
The “nature cure” 2021 (April 17). American Counseling Association, New York (ACA-NY) Webinar Panelist
Identifying and working with earth-based spirituality and religion. 2021 (April 23). Association of Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling,
Virginia (VAASERVIC) Webinar Presentation.
Religious and Spiritual Integration in Psychotherapy: A pluralist model. Loyola Alumni Annual Mental Health Workshop. 2021 (January)
Complex Bereavement: Spirituality as helper and hindrance in the grieving process. 2020 (August) New York Mental Health Counseling Association Convention: Albany, N.Y.
Mental health and self-compassion in DIII student athletes: The moderating role of
mental toughness. 2019 (August) (collaboration with graduate student). American Psychological Association
Convention: Chicago, IL
Religious and Spiritual Integration in Psychotherapy: A pluralist model. 2019 (July). Association of Spiritual Ethical and Religion Values in Counseling: Colorado
Springs, CO
Putting on a Sacred Lens: Reverberations of living in a re-enchanted world. 2019 (July). Association of Spiritual Ethical and Religion Values in Counseling:
Colorado Springs, CO
EP112: The Way’s Paradigm (Part 2) – Bringing R/S into Therapy with Ways of Understanding,
Being, and Intervening with Jesse Fox and Paul Deal. 2019 (January). The Thoughtful Counselor Podcast,
A Mental Health Case Study in NCAA: Are Mental Toughness and Self-Compassion Contradictory
Concepts? Presenters: Ales, J., Kurzum, R., Deal, P. J., & Stamatis, A. 2018 (November) (collaboration with graduate student). The Greater
New York Regional Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine Spring Conference
President’s Cup: NYC
Bringing spirituality and religion into counseling: A process-based model for pluralistic
process. 2018 (April). New York Mental Health Counseling Association Convention: Albany, NY
Pluralistic voices on power and vulnerability in relationships: From “locker room
talk” to the “me too” movement. Presented with Portia Allie-Turco. 2018 (March). SUNY Plattsburgh Diversity Week
Sanctification theory: Is non-theistic sanctification, nontheistic enough? Presentation with Dr. Gina Magyar-Russell. 2017 (July). Association for Spiritual,
Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling: Richmond, VA
The Ways Paradigm: A transtheoretical approach to integrating spirituality and religion
into counseling. 2016. Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision: New Orleans,
Grounding the Sacred in the World. 2016 (June). Wonder and the Natural World Conference: Indiana University, Bloomington
The Ways Paradigm: A transtheoretical approach to integrating spirituality and religion
into counseling. Presentation with Rev. Dr. Joe Stewart-Sicking and Dr. Jesse Fox. 2015 (July). Association
of Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling: New York City
How Nature Becomes Sacred: Doorways, Dynamics, Reverberations. Symposium speaker. 2014 (August). American Psychological Association Convention:
Washington, DC
Paul Tillich’s Theory of Faith: A Preliminary Analysis through Death Anxiety and Purpose
in Life . Poster presentation on year long research study. 2012 (May). Emerging Scholars Conference:
Loyola University Maryland
Spiritual Efficacy in Traumatic Events. Poster presentation on graduate project. 2011 (May). Emerging Scholars Conference:
Loyola University Maryland