Ph.D. in Second Language Education, with a concentration in Language Acquisition,
McGill University; Dissertation title: Foreign Language Learning in NYS: Individual
Differences, Student Perceptions and Sociocultural Values, 2013
M.A. in French, University of Rochester; Comprehension exams in 17th century literature,
20th century French Theatre and the works of Andre Gide, 1987
B.A., French, Niagara University, summa cum laude, 1982
Diplome de l’Alliance Francaise from Universite Catholique de l’Ouest d’Angers, France,
Leone, M. (in press). First Steps. In J. Kennedy and B. Burnell (Eds.) Women Scholars: Navigating the doctoral journey. Wareton, NJ: Apple Academic Press.
Integrating the ELA Content Standards into FL Instruction, staff development presentation, Peru Central High School, Peru, NY, January 2015
Motivating Students at All Levels, Keynote address at NYSAFLT Capital East Spring Conference, Ausable Valley Central
School, Clintonville, NY, April 2014
Priming sociocultural values: Prioritizing foreign language learning in New York State, presentation at the First Annual Foreign Language Conference, SUNY Binghamton, Binghamton,
NY, September 2013
Director, Abbey Road Nice Immersion Program. Accompanied American Secondary school
students to Nice, France. Duties included overseeing program budget, reserving and
planning for excursions and daily activities, overseeing staff needs, liaison between
staff of six, Abbey Road managers and parents, July – August 2017
Member of Content Advisory Committee for Item Prototype Review, Item Review and French
Marker Response Review for the New York State Teacher Certification Examination in
French, May 2014 – present
Manuscript reviewer for Practical French, Speed up Your French and French Grammar
Made Easy, Routledge Press, Dec. 2012-July 2014
Item writer and consultant — New York State Proficiency and Regent Exams in French,