Dr. Fernando Iturburu
Professor of Spanish
- Education
- Ph.D. in Romance Languages, University of Oregon, 1998
- M.A. in Comparative Literature, University of Oregon, 1992
- M.A. in Espagnol, Université de, Paris-VIII St. Denis-Langue Vivante Etrangere, Mention, 1986
- DESU in Etudes Latino-Américaines et Caraibes, Université de Paris-VIII St. Denis, 1986
- LIC in Spanish Language and Literature, Universidad Católica, Guayaquil, 1984
- Teaching Areas
- Latin American colonial and 20th century literatures
- Cultural and film studies
- Women’s studies
- Creative writing
- Grants & Scholarships
- 2013: Music Independent Awards — USA (Summer) for CD Salsa Norteña with Rick Davies, author of four of its lyrics.
- 2009: Sabbatical Leave (Spring 2009)
- 2006: Winkel Humanities Fund. SUNY Plattsburgh.
- 2004: Winkel Humanities Fund. SUNY Plattsburgh.
- 2002: National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
- 1999: Plattsburgh State: Foreign Languages Travel Founding.
- 1997: Department Dissertation Scholarship: U of Oregon.
- 1997: University of Oregon Stickels Scholarship.
- 1990–1993: Fulbright-LASPAU Scholarship.
- 1987: National Award of Essay: Guayaquil-Ecuador.
- 1984: National Award of Poetry: Guayaquil-Ecuador.
- 1978–84: Scholarship for best high-school graduate: U Católica of Guayaquil.
- Recent Publications
Academic Refereed Books
- 2009: 2nd edition of (Auto) Biografía y Misticismo Femeninos en la Colonia: La ‘Relación’ escrita por Madre Josefa de la Providencia sobre Madre Antonia Lucía Maldonado. Guayaquil: Consulate of Perú. 200 pages.
- 2002: Lecturas prohibidas de la literatura ecuatoriana. Guayaquil: Universidad Católica. 195 pages.
- 2001: (Auto) Biografía y Misticismo Femeninos en la Colonia: La ‘Relación’ escrita por Madre Josefa de la Providencia sobre Madre Antonia Lucía Maldonado. New Orleans: UP of the South. 200 pages.
- 1988: La Palabra Invadida. Ensayos de Literatura Ecuatoriana. Guayaquil: FEDESO. 98 pages.
Translations of Poetry
- 2009: Tapestry of the Sun. A Bilingual Anthology of Ecuadorian Poets. 350 pages. Translations with Alexis Levitin. California. San Francisco: Coimbra.
Translations in Magazines
- 2017: Translations with Alexis Levitin of four poems by Roy Siguenza in Onthebus. The Final Issue.
- 2012: Translations with Alexis Levitin of poems by Dina Bellrham: four poems in The Chattahoochee Review, one poem in Per Contra, three poems in BitterOleander.
- 2012: Translations with Alexis Levitin of poems by Jorge Martillo: Eight poems in Per Contra.
- 2010: Translations with Alexis Levitin of poems by Carlos E. Jaramillo, Sonia Manzano in World Literature Today.
- 2010: Translations with Alexis Levitin of poems by Hernán Zúñiga and Hipólito Alvarado, in Pusteblume.
- 2010: Translations with Alexis Levitin of three poems by David Ledesma in Spoon River Poetry Review.
- 2010: Translations with Alexis Levitin of two poems by David Ledesma in Great River Review.
- 2010: Translations with Alexis Levitin of a poem by Edwin Madrid in Controlled Burn.
- 2010: Translations with Alexis Levitin of four poems by Antonio Preciado in Afro-Hispanic Review.
- 2010: Translations with Alexis Levitin of five poems by Roy Siguenza in Onthebus.
- 2010: Translations with Alexis Levitin of four poems by Augusto Rodríguez in Zoland Poetry.
- 2010: Translations with Alexis Levitin of one poem by Augusto Rodrígez in Evansville Review.
- 2010: Translations with Alexis Levitin of one poem by Augusto Rodríguez in Boulevard.
Academic Refereed Articles
- 2021: Review of “Esteban Mayorga. Galápagos. Imaginarios de la evolución textual en las islas encantadas” West Lafayette: Purdue University Press, 2019. Revista Iberoamericana. Vol. LXXXVII, Núm. 276, julio-septiembre 2021.
- 2015: Review of bibliographical and commented entry of “La Generación del 30 en Ecuador” for Oxford UP.
- 2012: “Ecuadorian Poetry”. The Princeton Encylopedia of Poetics. Roland Greene, editor. Princeton UP, 2012.
- 2011: “Heterosexualidad y problemas generacionales en la literatura ecuatoriana” 2nd. edition. Revista Nacional de Cultura. # 18. Septiembre-Diciembre. Ministerio de Cultura del Ecuador.
- 2010: Review of The Ecuador Reader: History, Culture, Politics. The Latin America Readers Series. Durham: Duke University Press, 2008. H-LatAm. http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=31451
- 2010: Review of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2004. H-LatA. http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=31157
- 2010: Review of Neither Saints Nor Sinners: Writing the Lives of Women in Spanish America by Kathleen Ann Myers. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. H-LatAm. http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=31155
- 2010: Review of Cortijo’s Wake: El Entierro de Cortijo.Durham: Duke University Press by Edgardo Rodriguez Julia, 2004. H-LatAm. http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=31158
- 2008: Review of Highland Indians and the State in Modern Ecuador by Kim Clark, Marc Becker, eds. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2007. H-LatAm. http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=13756
- 2008: Review of Noé Jitrik Reader: Selected Essays on Latin American Literature. Translated by Susan Benner. Durham: Duke University Press, July. H-LatAm. http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=14714
- 2008: “Marianita de Jesus, Saint” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History (4 volumes). Bonnie G. Smith, editor. Oxford UP.
- 2007: “Heterosexualidad y problemas generacionales en la literatura ecuatoriana”. Iberoamericana Pittsburgh. July–September.
- 2007: “Jóvenes poetas ecuatorianos: en busca de un nuevo compromiso literario”. Litterae International. Universidad de Concepción-Chile
- 2007: Interview to salsa piano player and composer Larry Harlow, in El Quirófano, a Cultural magazine. April. Vol 1, No 2. Guayaquil-Ecuador.
- 2007: Interview to salsa trumpet player and composer Luis “Perico” Ortiz in El Quirófano, a Cultural Magazine. January. Vol 1, No l. Guayaquil-Ecuador.
- 2006: “Gertrudis de San Ildefonso, La Perla Mística.” (Introduction and anthology of her biography) in Diálogos espirituales. Manuscritos femeninos hispanoeamericanos. Siglos XVI-XIX. .Asunción Lavrin y Rosalva Loreto, editoras. Puebla: UNA de Puebla/U de las Américas. 202-224.
- 2006: “El Eco de un Tambor: Interview to Ecuadorian Writer Miguel Donoso Pareja.” Catedral, Literary Magazine of Newspaper Síntesis. April 15. Puebla, Mexico.
- 2003: Ultima canción del exiliado. On Donoso Pareja’s writing. Tempo 2. UNAM. Abril.
- 2003: Estructura de emociones y poética del tiempo en Fernando Nieto Cadena. Alternativas. Review of the Catholic University of Guayaquil. Vol 4, Número 6. 10 pages.
- 2003: Thomas Merton, Thomas Wolfe y el amor por nuestra tierra. Alternativas. Review of the Catholic University of Guayaquil. Vol 4, Número 5. 10 pages
- 2003: Ultima Canción del Exiliado. Fragments). Tiempo. Mexico. Abril. see www.uam.mx/difucion/revista/abr2003/iturburu
- 2003: “GUAYAQUIL”: Judíos, argentinos y el fin del nacionalismo criollo” in Jorge Luis Borges at the Millennium. Gary Gracz, ed. Mellen Press. 16 pages.
- 2002: “Juan Bautista Aguirre: Actualidad política del ‘Breve diseño de las ciudades de Guayaquil y Quito,’” in Alternativas 4, Review of the Catholic University of Guayaquil. 62-64. July.
- 2000: “¿Quién es el ’verdadero guayaquileño’?” in El Universo. Ecuadorian newspaper. July 21.
- 2000: Review of “Virtuosity of the Nineteenth Century: Performing Music and Language in Heine, Liszt, and Baudelaire” in The Comparatist 24, no. 1 (2000): 184-185.
- 1998: Relación de Madre Antonia Lucía Maldonado. Guaraguao (a Cultural magazine). Barcelona-Spain.
- 1998: “Los tópicos de la tradición en la música popular latinoamericana: salsa y bolero.” Cultura, Banco Central del Ecuador, April. 15 pages.
- 1995: “Reconstruyendo la Figura del Conquistador: Un estudio de la imagen de Francisco de Orellana.” Guaraguao. Revista de Cultura Latinoamericana (University of Barcelona-Spain)17-24.
- 1984-1987: Cultural Chronicles as Correspondant for the Literary Review of Newspaper Expreso. Guayaquil-Ecuador and Paris-France.
Creative Writing Publications:
- 2019: “Un adiós sin razones” (Chapter of novel) in Dos filos # 139. Julio/Septiembre, U of Zacatecas-Mexico. Page 10.
- 2018: “Evocación del viejo Donoso” (Literary Chronicle) in A la mar la palabra. Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Quito. Pages 112-117.
- 2016: LA TINUSA. Antología de poetas latinoamericanos en the USA. Mexico DF: Secretaria de Cultura/ALDVS. Arturo Dávila, ed. Pages 244-255.
- 2014: Barcelona y Emelec: Las trampas de “garra, honor o corazón” (“Barcelona and Emelec: The Tricks of ‘Guts, Honor or Heart’”) a chronicle on soccer in newspaper PP El Verdadero. December 21.
- 2012: Siguiendo las huellas. (Following The Steps). Editor. Short Stories written by students from the Detective Literary Workshop. Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo. Guayaquil: UEES. May 2012. 80 pgs.
- 2012: Salsa norteña. CD of Salsa Music (4 songs). Lyrics by Fernando Iturburu. Music by Rick Davies.
- 2011: El Aguila bajo el sol. Entrevistas a cinco ecuatorianistas de Estados Unidos. The Eagle Under The Sun. Interviews to Five Ecuadorianists from the US).
- 2011: El regreso del Cholo Cepeda. (The Return of Cholo cepeda). Guayaquil: CEN.
- 2009 El libro del barrio. Various texts on Popular Culture (150 pages). Guayaquil: Centro Ecuatoriano Norteamericano.
- 2008: Rumor de inventario. (Antología personal) (200 pages). Guayaquil: Centro Ecuatoriano Norteamericano.
- 2006: El eco de un tambor. An anthology and interviews to six Ecuadorian writers (150 pages). Guayaquil: Centro Ecuatoriano Norteamericano.
- 2006: Los patriotas del sur. Chronical and autobiographical writings (1960–1990) (100 pages). Guayaquil: Centro Ecuatorianao Norteamericano.
- 2006: Habana nocturna, and Rosa Primavera. (Salsa lyrics). Salsa Picante Orq., in Siempre Salsa, CD by Rick Davies, Emlyn Music.
- 2004: Si es que te queda cariño. (If you still love me) A novel. Guayaquil: Centro Ecuatoriano Norteamericano/ Imaginaria.
- 2004: Contra sí mismo y otros poemas prosaicos. (Against Oneself and Other Prose poems). Colección Línea Imaginaria. Quito: Casa de la Cultura.
- 2003: Indignados tus hijos del yugo. Rebel Children of Slavery. Anthology of Poetry. Several authors). Guayaquil: Imaginaria.
- 2002: El cholo Cepeda, detective privado (Detective short stories). Guayaquil: Imaginaria.
- 2002: “Fiesta en el Bronx” (Salsa lyrics) in Fiesta en el Bronx. Salsa Picante Orchestra. CD Produced by Wayne Gorbea. Sanachie Entertainment Corp.
- 1997: El Camino Tomado. (Poetry). Guayaquil: Casa de la Cultura.
- 1995: Editor, Entre el Cero y la Unidad. Guayaquil: Universidad Católica P. Works produced in the Literary Workshops I directed at the Universidad Católica.
- 1990: Vástagos. (Poetry). Guayaquil: Casa de la Cultura.
- 1988: De Maitines y Laudes. (Poetry). Zacatecas-Mexico: U of Zacatecas P.
- 1984: Posta Poética. (Variuos authors). Quito: El Conejo, 1984.
- 1980: Colectivo. (Various Authors). Poems. Jorge Velasco, ed. Guayaquil: Grafec.
- 1978: Cambio. (Cultural Magazine). Poems. Vol 4/III. México DF.
- 1978: Donde Crecen las Arañas. (Short Stories). Guayaquil: De los negritos.
Manuscript in preparation:
- Guayaquil: Barroco popular, humor y conservadurismo politico. (criticism)
Reviews on El Cholo Cepeda:
- 2008: “De Sherlock Holmes al Cholo Cepeda”. Diario Extra. Guayaquil. Agosto 27.
- 2006: “El Eco de un tambor negro-andino” by Juan de Jesús López. Milenio. 12 de Diciembre.Villahermosa-Mexico.
- 2005: On Fernando Iturburu prose and poetry: Fernando Nieto Cadena in Alternativas, Review of Cathotic University of Guayaquil.
- 2002: “Presentación de ‘El Cholo Cepeda, Investigador Privado’” by Carolina Andrade in Alternativas 4 (A Cultural magazine). Cathotic University of Guayaquil. Julio. Pages 84-85.
- 2002: Nuevo realismo ecuatoriano. Miguel Donoso Pareja (Quito: Eskeletra). Pages 180, 243.
- 2002: “Guayaquil según Iturburu” by Xavier Michelena in ElComercio. (Ecuadorian newspaper). May 3.
- 2002: “El Guayaquil sensible de Fernando Iturburu” by Lola Márquez in Vistazo. (Magazine). January 24. Pages 76-77.
- 2002: “El Guayaquil del Cholo Cepeda” by Clara Medina in ElUniverso. January 6. Page 9.
- 1997: “Fernando Iturburu y el cuento policíaco” by Jorge Martillo in El Universo. June 26.
Interviews and Profiles:
- 2021: Interviews on Times of Pandemic. Nine artists and intellectuals from Ecuador.
- 2021: Serie: Memoria del barrio. Ten representatives of popular neighborhoods of Guayaquil.
- 2017: Interview on poetry translation (“La traducción como un ejercicio de adaptación”) in El Telégrafo. 02/24
- 2015: Interview on Miguel Donoso Pareja, in “La Revista,” diario El Universo. http://www.larevista.ec/cultura/personaje/Miguel-Donoso-hoy-empezamos-a-recordarlo
- 2013: TV Interview for Cultural Program EDUCA. August 7.
- 2011: Interview in SoHo, a cultural magazine. Quito: September.
- 2011: Interviews at TV of Universidad de Especialidades Espiritu Santo. Department of Communication. Video Material: Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2UnQHOAZiE, and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsvNMl5tctY. Guayaquil-Ecuador.
- 2011: Interviews in El Universo, newspaper of Guayaquil: July and August.
- 2008: American Consulate in Guayaquil: Bulletin on Launching of Rumor de inventario, in http://guayaquil.usconsulate.gov/pr_08.13.08
- 2008: Interview. El Universo. newspaper). Guayaquil, August 17.
- 2008: Interview. Vistazo. magazine). Guayaquil, August 14.
- 2008: Interview. Entrelíneas. Vistazo. Guayaquil, August 14, p. 70
- 2008: Interview Centro Ecuatoriano Norteamericano. Institution Archives. DVD material. August 13.
- 2008: “El suspenso de Highsmith” (Patricia Highsmith’s suspense). Expreso. (newspaper): Guayaquil, April 20.
- 2008: Ecuadorian poets translated into English, with Alexis Levitin. Per Contra. on-line literary magazine). Winter/Spring.
- 2007: Ecuadorian poets translated into English, with Alexis Levitin. Per Contra. on-line literary magazine). Summer/Fall.
- 2006: Los patriotas del sur de Fernando Iturburu. Otón Chávez. El Universo (newspaper): Guayaquil, December 24.
- 2006: Iturburu: Sería mucho más felíz en Guayaquil. Guayaquil: El Universo (newspaper). Guayaquil: October 17.
- 2006: Fernando Iturburu, un autor que disfruta de la disciplina. Expreso (newspaper). Guayaquil, October 17.
- 2006: Crónicas y remembreanzas de Fernando Iturburu. Meridiano (newspaper). Guayaquil, October 17.
- 2005: La noción del sujeto en la actual poesía ecuatoriana: el caso de tres autores. Angel Emilio Hidalgo. http://www.edufuturo.com/imageBDE/EF/79028.nocion.pdf
- 2004: Historical Bibliography of Ecuador by Rodolfo Pérez Pimentel.http://www.diccionariobiograficoecuador.com/tomos/tomo6/i1.htm
- 2004: Poetry Reading. Centro Ecuatoriano Norteamericano. Guayaquil. El Universo. Newspaper information. 01/ 8.
- 2002: “¿Qué ofra famosa de la literatura ecuatoriana no hubiera escrito y por qué? in El Universo. Ecuadorian newspaper). August 14.
- 2002: “Entre lo policial y la picaresca” Interview by Fernando Cazón Vera in Expreso (Ecuadorian newspaper). January Page 13.
- 2002: “Profs Become Students of Diverse Latin Women” in The Arizona Republic. Phoenix). July.
- 2001: “Literatura Colonial para entender América” by Clara Medina in El Telégrafo. Ecuadorian newspaper). March 1.
- 2001: “Iturburu: La palabra está burocratizada.” Interview by Sofía Guerrero in El Universo. January 17.
- 1998: “El camino tomado” by Jorge Martillo in El Universo. January 20.
- 1995: Los libros de mi vida. La historia que nunca se contó. Interviews by Edgar Freire. Quito: Círculo de Lectores. Pages 160–161.
- 1995: “Los discutidos talleres. Nueva opinión sobre una vieja polémica” in El Telégrafo. April 13.
- 1995: Biography published by Rodolfo Pérez Pimentel in Diccionario Biográfico Ecuatoriano Vol VI (U on Guayaquil P: Guayaquil, Ecuador).
- 1991: “Vástagos: La madrugada de una conciencia” by Marcelo Baez in Expreso. January 9.
- 1988: “Escribir bien es mi único deber” in El Universo. September 11.
- 1983: “¿Qué es escribir poesía?” Expreso. July 24.
- Recent Presentations
Conference Presentations
- 2013: Construcción literaria de Guayaquil. De Medardo A. Silva a Jorge Velasco Mazkenzie. Centro Ecuatoriano Norteamericano. August 13th.
- 2011: Why there is no detective literature in Ecuador? Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo. June 24.
- 2006: De la retórica del Siglo de Oro a la retórica de la música “salsa”. Summer Program-Hispanic Institute-U of California, Santa Barbara.
- 2003: On my book of essays Forbidden Readings of Ecuadorian Literature. Museo Antropológico del Banco Central. Guayaquil. July 16.
- 2001: “Descripción, Narración y Ensayo”. U Católica of Guayaquil, January 16.
- 1999–present: “Colonial Literature in Latin America”. SUNY Plattsburgh, Latin American Studies -LAS- Seminar.
- 1999: “Borges en Guayaquil,” in Borges at the Millennium. Long Island University, Brooklyn-NY, December 3.
- 1999: “Madre Mariana de Santa Pazis: Editora de la ‘Relación’ sobre Madre Antonia Lucía Maldonado,” in Women Writers of Medieval and Early Modern Spain and Colonial Period. University of Arizona, Tucson, September 16–18.
- 1999: “The books I read and how I grew up in Ecuador” LAS Colloquium. SUNY Plattsburgh.
- 1997: “Santa Teresa de Avila en el Nuevo Mundo: la Creación de un Canon Alternativo,” in Women Writers of Early Modern Spain, Golden Age and Colonial Period. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, October 29–November 1.
- 1997: “Female Baroque in the Viceroyalty of Peru: Gender, Writing and Religion in Madre Josefa de la Providencia’s Relacion,” in Global Baroque. University of Oregon, Eugene, October 24–26).
- 1996: “Representación de la Mujer en la Poesía Afro-Ecuatoriana,” in The Powers of Poetry in Spanish, Latin-American and Latino/a Cultures. University of Oregon, October 23–26.
- 1996: “Catalina de Jesús Herrera: Autobiografía y Misticismo en la Real Audiencia de Quito,” in Women Writers of the Spanish Golden Age and the Colonial Period. Texas Tech University at Lubbock, October 19–21.
- 1996: “Literatura femenina religiosa en la Real Audiencia de Quito,” invited Lectures at the Casa de la Cultura-Núcleo del Guayas. Guayaquil-Ecuador. December.
- 1987: “Anotaciones sobre el habla Guayaquileña,” in Jornadas de Identidad Nacional-Casa de la Cultura: Guayaquil-Ecuador. Revised version published in my La Palabra Invadida, 79–93. July.
Special Seminars
- 2016: Cultura latinoamericana a través de canciones representativas. Aplicación de teoría. SUNY Plattsburgh. Fall 2016.
- 2015: Retórica de las canciones. Rhetorics of Popular Lyrics). Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo. Guayaquil-Ecuador. July 2-August 18.
- 2015: Países y destrezas lingüísticas en español. SUNY Plattsburgh. Spring. Spanish 440.
- 2013: ¿Cómo es la influencia de Estados Unidos en América Latina? SUNY Plattsburgh. Spring. Spanish 440.
- 2012: Música Popular: Tópicos literario y postmodernismo.
- SUNY Plattsburgh. Spring. Spanish 470.
- 2010: Construcción Imaginaria de ciudades latinoamericanas. SUNY Plattsburgh. Spring. Spanish 440.
- 2009: ¿Cómo escribir un ensayo?. How to write a paper?). For Horizons Program. CEN-American Consulate. March.
- 2009: Consejería Académica Universitaria (Academic Adviser for College). U Católica, Guayaquil. March.
- 2008-2010: ¿Cómo escribir una tesis?. How to write a dissertation?) at School of Graduate Studies, Catholic University. Guayaquil, August 8-21, November 2009, January 2010.
- 2008: España: Arte y Cultura. SUNY Plattsburgh.
- 2007: Great Hispanic Writers. SUNY Plattsburgh.
- 2007: Latin American Detective Literature. SUNY Plattsburgh.
- 2007: Escritura de ensayo y tesis doctoral. Casa Grande-Guayaquil, Ecuador.
- 2006: Cervantes and Borges. SUNY Plattsburgh.
- 2005: Translating SpanishWorkshop. SUNY Plattsburgh.
- 2004: Hispanic Women Writers. SUNY Plattsburgh.
- 2002: Graduate Level: Escritura del margen: escritores negros y gays. U Católica of Guayaquil.
- 2002: Música, Cultura e Identidad. SUNY Plattsburgh.
- 2002: Spanish for Social Workers. SUNY Plattsburgh.
- 2001: Black Hispanic Writers. SUNY Plattsburgh.
- 2000: Latin American Popular Culture. SUNY Plattsburgh.
- 1996: Intensive Readings for New Writers. U Católica of Guayaquil.
- 1994: La tradición del Siglo de Oro en la salsa y el bolero. The tradition of the Spanish Golden Age in bolero and salsa music lyrics. U Católica of Guayaquil.
Literary Workshops
- 2013: Writing in the margins. Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo. July 7August 15.
- 2011: How to write a detective short story. Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo. July 4th to August 7.
- 2004–2005: Creative Writing for Public High School Students. Centro Ecuatoriano Norteamericano: Guayaquil-Ecuador.
- 1997: ¿Cómo escribir un cuento detectivesco latinoamericano?. How to Write a Latin American Detective Story?) U Católica of Guayaquil.
- 1995: Creative Writing for Returning Students. U Católica of Guayaquil.
- 1994: Creative Writing: Imitation and Innovation. U Católica of Guayaquil.
- 1987–1988: Creative Writing. Casa de la Cultura and Central Bank of Ecuador.
- College Service
- 2018–2019: Promotion Review Board (Elected).
- 2017: External Review Panel (ERP) for the library PRG, SUNY Plattsburgh.
- 2017: External Review Panel (ERP) for Teacher Education—MST, SUNY Plattsburgh.
- 2017: External Review Panel (ERP) for Latin American Studies PRG, SUNY Plattsburgh.
- 2016–present: External Review Panel (ERP), SUNYPlattsburgh.
- 2015–2016: Chair of Modern Languages and Cultures. SUNY Plattsburgh.
- 2005–2013: Assessment Advisory Committee
- 2006: Attending Training Workshop on Oral Proficiency Interview by the American Council on Teaching a Foreign Language at SUNY Plattsburgh. April 24-27
- 2005: Co-Coordinator of the Conference The Tango Project. SUNY Plattsburgh. March 17
- 2005: Advisor for Omega Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. A Latina Sorority. SUNY Plattsburgh.
- 2004–2006: Advisor for El Pueblo, a Hispanic Student Organization. SUNY Plattsburgh.
- 2004–present: Peer Review Group (PRG) for the Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literature. SUNY Plattsburgh.
- 2004–present: Winkel Endowment Fund Committee.
- 2002–present: Professional Education Unit. SUNY Plattsburgh.
- 2001–present: Faculty of Arts and Sciences Faculty Affairs Committee
- 2001 Co-Coordinator of the Conference Africa and Latin America: Forging New Identities. SUNY Plattsburgh. October 5.
- 2000–present: Search Committee for Spanish and French Positions.
- 2000: Search Committee for English as Second Language.
- Professional Affiliations & Memberships
- 2008–2016: Corresponsal for Ecuadorian newspaper El Nuevo Empresario.
- 2004–2015: Asociación de Ecuatorianistas
- 2003–present: Reader for Fronteras de la Historia. Colonial Latin American Review. Bogotá, Colombia.
- 2004–2005: Organization of American Historians.
- 2000–2004: Instituto Cervantes. New York, New York.
- 1999–2004: Africana/Organization for the Studies of Africans in the Americas.
- 1998–present: Latin American Program. SUNY Plattsburgh.
- 1997–2000: Modern Languages Association (MLA).
- 1995–2004: Editorial Board/Consejo de Redacción Revista de Cultura Latinoamericana Guaraguao: University of Barcelona-Spain.
- 1988–1990: Editorial Board/Consejo de Redacción Revista de Literatura Catedral Salvaje: Guayaquil.
- 1984–present: Casa de la Cultura del Ecuador, Sección Literatura.