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Dr. Robert Reams

Professor of Mathematics & Department Chair

I did a B.A. in math at Trinity College, Dublin. Then after teaching for two years at secondary schools in Ireland and England, I did an M.A. and Ph.D. at University College Dublin, Ireland. Next, I did postdocs for three years in mathematical biology, then taught at a few institutions in the U.S. and at National University of Ireland, Galway. But since I arrived at SUNY Plattsburgh in 2008, I've never looked back (except for this blurb).

Each semester I teach two sections of Introductory Statistics  (MAT161), and one section of any other math course here. With enough  students interested, I will teach (and many times have taught):  Statistical Inference (MAT362), Probability Models (MAT365); or Financial Math (MAT460). I find it hard to imagine someone not finding statistics interesting.

My Ph.D. was entitled Topics in Matrix Theory. Although I have worked applying matrix theory to mathematical biology, which included C programming and using Unix/Linux, my main area of research has been in pure math, like investigating copositive matrices and magic squares. My homepage has more details on this.

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