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Global Education Mentor Program

Global Education Mentors (GEM) have a special volunteer role with the Global Education Office (GEO). GEMs speak to prospective students and provide a unique perspective on specific programs and locations, as well as the overall study away experience.

We encourage you to contact a GEM who represents a program or location that is of interest to you.

Interested study away alumni should contact the study away team by filling out this Google Form or by emailing [email protected].

Meet Our GEMs

Taya Balfour

  • Majors: Business Administration and International Business 
  • Minors: Accounting, Management Information Systems, and Legal Studies
  • Study Abroad Program:  University of Deusto in Bilbao, Spain, summer 2023
  • Administering SUNY Campus: SUNY Plattsburgh
  • Anticipated Graduation: May 2026

Favorite part of study abroad program: Picking just one singular aspect of my study abroad experience is such a challenge, but for sure the people I met have to be one of the best parts. During my summer abroad, our program consisted of about 50 people. Being such a small group, we all became close and would hang out on weekends and still talk to this day. I specifically became close with two of my friends, and we have all met up at each other’s colleges already and plan on hanging out next summer. With these people you meet, you get to experience the new culture you are in and forge connections that go way beyond the classroom.

Something you wish you knew prior: One thing I wish I listened to and understood was the universal desire to make connections. It might seem intimidating going to this new country alone but the truth is that everyone is truly in the same boat. When people say that everyone is also experiencing traveling abroad for the first time, they truly mean it. It is okay to feel overwhelmed about the fact you are alone in a new country but remember the people around you are also experiencing this. So my advice would be to be open and try to make the most of your experience by traveling and talking to people.

Advice to students considering a study abroad program: JUST GO! I always knew at some point I wanted to study abroad, but wanting to and actually going are two different things. I signed up so late in the year but was so glad I did because it was one of the best experiences that helped me become much more independent. Going abroad, especially by yourself, really forces you to put yourself out of your comfort zone and embrace new challenges. It is important to be open-minded and try to engage with everyone because this is such a unique opportunity to broaden your horizons and gain a deeper understanding of the world. Any doubts you might have will definitely resolve themselves when you get there and actually get to experience the incredible adventure that studying abroad offers.

Contact Information:  [email protected]

Zachary DuBray

  • Majors: Accounting, Business Administration and International Business 
  • Study Abroad Program:  University of Deusto in Bilbao, Spain, fall 2023
  • Administering SUNY Campus: SUNY Plattsburgh
  • Anticipated Graduation: May 2026

Favorite part of study abroad program: My favorite part of my experience was going to watch soccer matches. Soccer isn’t just a game over there, it is a religion and it runs in their blood. The games were
unlike anything I have ever experienced before, and every time I was left in awe of the pure passion of the fans. On top of that, it was awesome to experience a new culture, try new foods, and meet new people.

Something you wish you knew prior: Honestly, I wish I knew more of the language before I left for
Spain. Although it is not absolutely necessary to have a strong understanding of the language, I believe it
can take your experience to another level which I sort of missed out on a bit. Of course, while you are
there you will be able to pick up on bits and pieces of the language through school or simply interacting
out in public; however, if you have the opportunity to study the language prior to going I would
recommend it.

Advice to students considering a study abroad program: Firstly, just go! I had my reservations regarding
going abroad, particularly because it was such a large leap for me, but going was easily the best decision
I have ever made. Another piece of advice I would give is that everybody over there is more than likely
in the same boat as you. The other students are going to be just as nervous or scared as you, so don’t be
afraid to reach out and make friends. One last thing I would advise is to have a good balance of fun and
school. The goal is of course to gain an educational experience while abroad, but definitely make sure to
plan out time for fun and travel.

Contact Information:  [email protected]

Allison Garman

  • Majors: Biology
  • Minors: Nutrition and Chemistry
  • Study Abroad Program: Bond University in Gold Coast, Australia, fall 2023
  • Administering SUNY Campus: SUNY Plattsburgh
  • Anticipated Graduation: May 2025

Favorite part of study abroad program: My favorite part studying abroad was all the people I got to meet along the way and the experiences I created for myself. I was never someone that liked to go out of my comfort zone and I found that I was capable of doing a lot more than I thought I was on my own. 

Something you wish you knew prior: Something I wish I did prior was learn a bit more about Australia’s public transport system and how to use it, I’ve always had access to a car and I was always so nervous that I would get on a wrong bus or train. I did end up getting lost once but I used it as a learning experience. 

Advice to students considering a study abroad program: My advice, do it! I went leaving everyone I knew behind. It was nerve racking to step off the plane but I found out really quickly just how much fun I was going to have. You won’t know what kind of experiences you can have if you don’t put yourself out there. Take the leap you won’t regret it!

Contact Information:  [email protected]

Meet our Study Away Alumni

Kayleigh Beattie

  • Major: General Studies
  • Study Abroad Program: University of Hawaii at Hilo with National Student Exchange, spring 2022 and spring 2024
  • Administering SUNY Campus: SUNY Plattsburgh
  • Anticipated Graduation: May 2024

Favorite part of study abroad program: My favorite part about my study away program was learning about and experiencing a different culture and the ways of life in Hilo, Hawaii. I was able to meet so many people and experience new and amazing things that I wouldn’t be able to in N.Y.!

Something you wish you knew prior: I wish I knew how impactful traveling and building a life in a new place would be. It was really hard to leave, and it changed my life for the better in so many ways. I’m so grateful for it, but at the same time, I wish I had known the extent before I went!

Evan Boiko

  • Major: Robotics
  • Minor: Computer Science
  • Study Abroad Program: Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto, Japan, spring 2023 and fall 2023
  • Administering SUNY Campus: SUNY Plattsburgh
  • Anticipated Graduation: May 2025

Favorite part of study abroad program: Getting to know more about Japan, meeting new people and trying Japanese food.

Something you wish you knew prior: How annoying public transport can be sometimes.

Advice to students considering a study abroad program: Don’t worry about learning Japanese, but learn some key phrases.

Angelina Briggs

Favorite part of study abroad program: I had so much fun during my time in Korea. It was such an amazing experience, and I was able to learn more about the culture there, eat amazing food and visit amazing places. I loved all the friends I made while there. We are actually talking about going to Korea next year for a couple of weeks to meet up!

Something you wish you knew prior: You will not realize how much time flies when you are truly having fun. I stayed in Korea for about 6-7 weeks and as I was getting comfortable and able to understand everything, it was time for me to go home! Making use of the time there was really the thing I needed and I absolutely loved doing almost everything I could with the time I had.

Advice to students considering a study abroad program: DO IT, DO IT, DO IT, DO IT! It is such an eye-opening experience when you are in another country and you get to see other parts of the world.

Benjamin Chadwick

  • Major: Digital Media Production
  • Minor: Graphic Design
  • Study Away Program:  Bond University in Gold Coast, Australia, fall 2022
  • Administering SUNY Campus: SUNY Plattsburgh
  • Anticipated Graduation: May 2024

Favorite part of study abroad program: My favorite part was making new friends from all over the world and experiencing a new education system.

Something you wish you knew prior: I wish I knew how many differences there were between Australian and American cultures. It is fun, though, to be surprised and learn about the differences.

Advice to students considering a study abroad program: Take the leap. I know it can be scary to go to a new country and might seem overwhelming, but I promise you’ll love it. You’ll meet new friends, have new experiences and become a better person overall.

Lindsey Connor

  • Major: Early Childhood Education B.A./M.S.T.
  • Study Abroad Program: Kingston University Summer School in London, England, summer 2023
  • Administering SUNY Campus: SUNY New Paltz
  • Anticipated Graduation: May 2025

Favorite part of study abroad program: The rapport and experiences I had with meeting new people from all over the world!

Something you wish you knew prior: Don’t try to plan everything ahead of time. Spontaneity is the best part of being abroad and trying new things!

Advice to students considering a study abroad program: Take every adventure you can! Take pictures of EVERYTHING! Try anything and everything!

Sean Vogl

Favorite part of Study Abroad: My favorite part was all of the travel I got to do and all of the amazing people I got to meet along the way. Studying abroad is an incredible way to experience a unique part of the world and hear cool perspectives about everything.

Something you wish you knew prior: I wish I knew more about the school I attended than just the area.

Advice to students considering study abroad: Do it. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that almost everyone you speak to who never did it wishes they did. Do not go with anyone else!

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