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Dr. Lee Thorpe, Jr.

Assistant Professor 

Dr. Thorpe is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology and joined the SUNY Plattsburgh Department of Sociology as the PRODiG Fellow in Fall 2022. He received his Ph.D. in Sociology from West Virginia University, Master of Arts in Humanities and Social Thought from New York University, and his Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from Stony Brook University. During his master’s program, Dr. Thorpe studied abroad in the Netherlands and took part in the Summer Institute on Sexuality, Culture, and Society at the University of Amsterdam. His primary areas of research and teaching interests are in sexualities, gender, social psychology, and sociological theory.

  • Education
    • Ph.D. in Sociology, West Virginia University
    • M.A. in Humanities and Social Thought, New York University
    • B.A. in Sociology, Stony Brook University
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