Distinguished Professorships & Librarianship Nominations
In accordance with the call for nominations from SUNY System Administration, nominations for the prestigious tenured ranks of Distinguished Professorship, Distinguished Librarian, Distinguished Service Professorship and Distinguished Teaching Professorship are invited.
Call for Nominations for Distinguished Professorships & Librarianship
The Distinguished Professorship
The Distinguished Professorship recognizes instructional faculty who have achieved national or international prominence in their discipline through significant contributions to research and scholarship, or through artistic performance or achievement in the fine and performing arts. The person’s work must be of such a character that his or her presence will tend to elevate the standards of scholarship of colleagues both within and beyond the individual’s respective academic field. The individual must have obtained national or international awards that provide evidence of distinguished research, scholarship, or other creative activity. Individuals who are also inventors should have achieved prominence as assessed by the extent their discoveries have had measurable benefit to society. The person’s work must be of such quality that students and scholars on other campuses of the university could and would wish to benefit by lectures and seminars, or other appropriate presentations he or she might bring to them.
The Distinguished Service Professorship
The Distinguished Service Professorship recognizes extraordinary service in the application of intellectual skills drawing from the faculty member’s scholarly and research interests to issues of public concern. It may be conferred upon faculty in any of the disciplines or fields of study. Nominees for the rank must have achieved a distinguished reputation for service not only to the campus and the university, but also to the community, the state of New York or even the nation, by sustained effort in the application of intellectual skills, drawing from his/her scholarly and research interests to issues of public concern.
The Distinguished Teaching Professorship
The Distinguished Teaching Professorship is conferred upon instructional faculty for outstanding teaching competence at the graduate, undergraduate or professional levels. Nominees for the rank must have demonstrated consistently superior mastery of teaching, outstanding service to students and commitment to their ongoing intellectual growth, scholarship and professional growth, and adherence to rigorous academic standards and requirements. Nominees for the rank must have been involved for some substantial period of time in developing or promoting excellence in teaching through pedagogical methods and/or principles or in substantive educational enhancement either in their disciplines or to meet community needs on a regional, national or international level.
The Distinguished Librarianship
The Distinguished Librarianship recognizes librarians whose contributions have been transformational in creating a new information environment by providing access to information, sharing or networking information resources and fostering information literacy. Nominees for the rank must have achieved personal excellence, groundbreaking professional progress, and wide-ranging benefit not only to the campus and the university, but also to the community, the state of New York or even the nation.
Eligibility & Nominations
The Distinguished Faculty Rank is a tenured university rank above that of full professor/full librarian and is conferred solely by the SUNY Board of Trustees. Eligibility is limited to faculty having attained the rank of full professor/full librarian.
- Faculty holding distinguished faculty rank — Distinguished Librarian, Distinguished Professor, Distinguished Service Professor, or Distinguished Teaching Professor — may NOT be nominated for another distinguished faculty rank designation.
- Faculty may NOT apply or self-nominate for these programs.
Eligibility for Distinguished Professorship is limited to candidates who have held the rank of full professor for at least five years and must have at least one year of full-time service at SUNY Plattsburgh. Eligibility for Distinguished Service Professorship and Distinguished Teaching Professorship is limited to candidates who have held the rank of full professor for at least five years and have at least three years of full-time service at SUNY Plattsburgh. A candidate for appointment to the Distinguished Librarian rank must have held the rank of full Librarian for at least five years and must have at least three years of full-time service at SUNY Plattsburgh.
Submission of Nominations
A nominating form is included with this announcement, and is due by May 1, 2025 and will be reviewed by a local selection committee established according to the Performance Review Policies and Procedures (Article III.13) and the State University of New York Policies and Procedures.
Please note that under SUNY and university guidelines, these nominations and the process of selecting candidates for SUNY consideration for these ranks are confidential. Information about nominations and further deliberations will be restricted to those with legitimate need to know because of their role in the process. A formal campus submission of a nomination for appointment to the rank of Distinguished Professorship is entirely at the discretion of the campus president.
Campus nominations submitted to SUNY will be reviewed by advisory panels made up of SUNY faculty who have already achieved the respective rank.
Nomination Form
More Information
The State University of New York Policies, Procedures, and Criteria for Appointment to Distinguished Ranks are available electronically on the state university’s website.