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The World of Anthropology

Explore the nature of human beings and their societies, both past and present, worldwide.

Anthropology Major

Are you intrigued by scientific findings that give clues to human origins or evidence of earlier civilizations? Are you interested in understanding and investigating the problems and issues confronting societies around the globe? Do you believe that knowledge and appreciation of other peoples’ beliefs and ways of life is relevant to you and your future career? Do you seek a clearer understanding of, and perspective on, American society and culture? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then an academic major or minor in anthropology may be the program for you.

What Will I Learn?

The program includes two introductory courses normally taken in your first year: One methods-oriented course selected from physical anthropology, archaeology and linguistics, one cultural-area course, two dimensions of culture courses, a world issues course, an advanced writing course centered on ethnographic methods and a senior project or seminar.

Nine credits (three courses) are also aimed at the your career objectives and are chosen in consultation with your academic adviser. These courses may be additional anthropology courses or may be courses associated with a minor, another major, an internship, a study abroad experience or independent study projects.

What is Unique About Our Program?

  • You will gain in-depth knowledge of at least one major world area and its cultures as well as how to critically analyze the basis of global problems and their possible solutions.
  • Internships and fieldwork let you actively participate in learning.
  • Learn from faculty’s strong commitment to quality instruction and advisement. Department faculty includes two distinguished teaching professors and recipients of the Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence.

What Are My Career Opportunities?

The courses, experience and analytical perspectives offered by our program prepare you to identify and pursue a broad range of careers. Our flexible program allows you to pursue other interests by choosing a minor in another discipline, by studying abroad or even by pursuing a second major. Sixty percent of our majors seek post-graduate education within and outside of anthropology at top-rated graduate schools.

  • Archaeology and cultural resource management
  • Health administration
  • Social work
  • Teaching
  • Criminal justice
  • Peace Corps administration
  • Counseling
  • Cross-cultural communications
  • Private business
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