SUNY Plattsburgh Ranked on Washington Monthly's Top 100 'Best Bang for the Buck' List
SUNY Plattsburgh once again finds itself on Washington Monthly’s Top 100 colleges and universities providing the “Best Bang for the Buck” in the Northeast.
The college was among 14 SUNY institutes to make the cut. According to Washington Monthly, the list shows “which schools in the Northeast are the best value … based on ‘net’ (not sticker) price, how well they do graduating the students they admit, and whether those students go on to earn at least enough to pay off their loans.”
“New York’s university system has a rich internationally recognized tradition of providing a high-quality, affordable education that, as these new rankings show, puts its graduates on the road to success,” said. Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
Chancellor Nancy Zimpher said, “The return on the investment of a SUNY education is second to none, and we’re proud of our campus partners who do so much to make a SUNY the smartest investment New Yorkers can make in their future.”
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