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SUNY Plattsburgh Offers Graduate Assistantships

PLATTSBURGH, N.Y. (Jan. 21, 2010) - SUNY Plattsburgh offers more than 25 graduate assistantships for well-qualified, full-time matriculated graduate students, allowing them the opportunity to grow professionally while pursuing a master’s or C.A.S. degree.

Generally, graduate assistantships begin in the fall semester and run for the academic year (10 months). The majority are only available on the main campus.

Full-time graduate assistants typically work 20 hours a week during the academic year. Part-time graduate assistants may work from 10 to 15 hours a week, depending on the position.

All assistantships carry a tuition waiver and a stipend. Full-time graduate assistants receive 100 percent of the in-state tuition rate and a stipend of $5,320 or more per academic year, depending on the position. Part-time graduate assistants receive from 50 to 75 percent of the in-state tuition rate and a stipend of $2,660 or more, depending on the specific position. Residence directors also receive housing and a partial meal plan.

Each academic year, different assistantships may be offered. Graduate students may be able to keep their assistantship until they complete their academic degree program. Those graduate students who do not receive an assistantship when they first apply for one are encouraged to reapply in a later semester or year.

Types of Assistantships

Three types of graduate assistantships are offered at SUNY Plattsburgh. Some assistantships are only open to those in a particular graduate program; others are open to all graduate students.

  • Residence directors are responsible for all managerial and programmatic aspects of operating a residence hall. Residence directors supervise a staff of undergraduate resident assistants.
  • Administrative assistants provide programmatic and administrative support to various offices on campus.
  • Research/teaching assistants are associated with academic departments and may involve students in the following kinds of learning experiences: tutoring, supervising laboratories and clinics, conducting research, and assisting faculty with scholarly and pedagogical endeavors.

Assistantship Listings

The most up-to-date list of graduate assistantship was just posted for the 2010-2011 academic year. To review the assistantships that will be available, visit to the following Web site: www.plattsburgh.edu/admissions/graduate/assistantships/.

How Do I Apply?

Completed applications for graduate assistantships are due Feb. 15, the same due date for Graduate Study Applications. The steps for applying for an assistantship are as follows:

  • Review the list of potential graduate assistantship openings at www.plattsburgh.edu/admissions/graduate/assistantships/ and determine which ones interest you.
  • Complete a one-page Graduate Assistantship Application Form available from Graduate Admissions at 800-723-9515 or on the Web at http://web.plattsburgh.edu/admissions/graduate/files/grad-assistantship-app-09.pdf. Return the form to the Graduate Admissions Office on or before Feb. 15.
  • On or before Feb. 15, go to the SUNY Plattsburgh Human Resource Services Web site at https://jobs.plattsburgh.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=50567, complete the General Employment Application, and apply to the Graduate Assistantship Applicant Pool. Be sure to attach the following materials to your application: a copy of your resume; two current letters of recommendation, outlining your skills and abilities related to the assistantship(s) for which you are applying; a personal essay of 250 words or less that outlines your skills and abilities related to the assistantships(s) for which you are applying.

Your application is complete when Graduate Admissions has received the one-page application form, and you have been assigned a confirmation number at the Human Resource Services Web site after completing the General Employment Application process.

When Will I Be Notified?

All applications will be screened before interviews for finalists are scheduled by the appropriate department, office or program. Selection will be based upon the applicant’s acceptance into a graduate program and the preparation and specialty of the applicant for the position being sought. Notification of the award/position shall be made as early as possible given that each graduate program has its own timelines for reviewing and accepting applicants.

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