Student-run newspaper ranked among top 20 percent
PLATTSBURGH, N.Y. (May 11, 2009)-- Cardinal Points, the independent and student-run newspaper at SUNY Plattsburgh, was named an All American newspaper for the fall 2008 semester by the Associated Collegiate Press.
The All American ranking is the eighth for Cardinal Points and the first the newspaper has received since the spring 2005 semester. The status, given to student newspapers for journalistic excellence, is bestowed on only about 20 percent of college newspapers nationwide.
In the Associated Collegiate Press rankings, Cardinal Points received a score of 950 with four marks of distinction. To be named an All American, a newspaper must score at least 900 out of 1,090 points and receive at least four marks of distinction out of the five possible.
Cardinal Points received marks of distinction for coverage and content; writing and editing; photos, art and graphics; and leadership.
The 87 percent score was the highest for Cardinal Points since spring 2004, also an All American semester for the newspaper. The score is tied for fourth highest since the newspaper started entering newspapers for critique in the spring 1998 semester.
"I'm very happy for the staff of Cardinal Points for being named an All American for the fall 2008 semester," said Shawn Murphy, chair of SUNY Plattsburgh's journalism department and Cardinal Points' adviser since the fall of 1998. "I'm very proud of their collective efforts. To be ranked in the top 20 percent of college newspapers nationwide, that's quite an honor."
"It's an honor to be named as an All-American newspaper for the fall 2008 semester," Editor-in-Chief Ryan Hayner said. "When I started on staff here four years ago, we were coming off an All-American award and in the past we had won many. It was a goal of mine before I left to see Cardinal Points at an All-American status again. It's a lot of hard work paying off, and I want to commend the staff for the dedication it put in to producing one of the top papers in the country."
The student-editors for the fall 2008 semester were as follows: Ryan Hayner, editor in chief; Megan Munroe, managing editor; Alyssa Fleck, news editor; Katie Via and Bob Bennett, associate news editors; Jessica Bakeman, Fuse editor; Josh Miner, associate Fuse editor; Nick St. Denis, sports editor; Matt Rosenberg, associate sports editor; Jim Elliott, opinions editor; Michelle Haynes, photo editor; Kelly Marsh, associate photo editor; and John Christman, advertising manager.

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