Stephen Matthews Named Dean of Students
PLATTSBURGH, NY __ Stephen Matthews, currently the assistant vice president for student
affairs at the State University of New York College at Plattsburgh, has been named
the Dean of Students.
Matthews received his undergraduate (1990) and master's (1995) degrees from SUNY Plattsburgh. Following his graduate work, Matthews joined the SUNY Plattsburgh staff as the Assistant Coordinator of Judicial Affairs and then moved on to the coordinator's position. For the past six years, Matthews has also served as Coordinator of the Orientation Program at the College.
"I'm honored to be named Dean of Students," said Matthews. "I really enjoy working with students and have a lot of respect for this institution. As the dean, I will be available to students and will be a familiar face. In my role as judicial coordinator, I have a reputation of being fair and straightforward, which has allowed me to be successful in dealing with students."
Matthews takes over the Dean of Students role from William Laundry, who is filling the position of interim vice president for student affairs. Matthews will also be in the classroom this fall, teaching English 101.
"Teaching allows me to see students, and the students to see me, on a different level," said Matthews, who is also the advisor for the Student Association Executive Board and the president of the SUNY Judicial Affairs (SUNYJA) organization. "The Dean of Students position is not a nine to five job. I'll be available nights, weekends, anytime I need to be here to assist students."
Laundry said that Matthews will bring a good level of experience to the position.
"Steve has been an active part of the campus community. Even as a graduate student,
he served as a residence hall director," said Laundry. "He has experience as a student
of SUNY Plattsburgh and has served the College well in the judicial affairs office.
I'm looking forward to working with him as he embarks on this new chapter in his Plattsburgh
State career."