Seniors Have Works Displayed Virtually in Spring 2020 Exhibition
The Plattsburgh State Art Museum has opened its virtual Spring 2020 Senior BFA Exhibition, featuring the works created by graduating Bachelor of Fine Arts students in the art department.
The exhibition represents the culmination of each undergraduate student’s experience of developing a body of work, including ceramics, graphic design, painting, photography, printmaking and sculpture.
To visit the virtual Spring 2020 Senior BFA Exhibition, visit
Tonya Cribb, museum director, said that even though they can’t hold an opening reception because of COVID-19, “we wanted to ensure that our students still had an opportunity to showcase the culmination of their hard work. We believe that a virtual exhibit is a fantastic alternative to highlight the accomplishments of these graduating seniors.”
Highlight of Graduating Senior Studio Majors
As such, the virtual exhibit has been extended through the fall semester, Cribb said.
“Each year, the highlight of our graduating senior studio majors is exhibiting their work to the public,” she said. “It marks a major milestone in their development as artists and is an introduction to the beginning of their careers in the arts. We hope that the virtual exhibit will allow them to share their talents with family members and friends who wouldn’t ordinarily visit in person.”
Cribb said they hope to be able to have a closing reception, but that would depend on state of the reopening of New York and the safety of the public to do so, she said.
Additionally this past semester, senior BFA painting and drawing major from the Bronx via Antigua, Winosha Steele, was honored for her work, “My Lifeline,” in SUNY’s Best of SUNY Exhibition. Micheal received an honorable mention and $500 for her piece and will be recognized at a virtual Best of SUNY reception to celebrate the other winners, faculty and jurors Monday, June 22 at 3 p.m.
“As soon as I read the word ‘Congratulations,’ tears automatically began to fall from my eyes,” Steele said. “I was beyond overjoyed. My aim for doing art is to make an impact and create something from heart.
‘Way to see Me’
“My work should be a way for people to see me before they’ve met me; for them to understand me in a language that I create,” she said. “This award has honestly given me a major boost to push my skills, thoughts and emotions to the next level. It is truly an honor to receive this award. It really fills me with excitement and happiness to know that my art is of worth.”
Dr. Peter Russom, professor of art at SUNY Plattsburgh, said of Steele and her winning painting, “’My Lifeline’ is one of a group of paintings that demonstrates Winosha’s ability to fuse representational imagery with a dynamic color field.
“This particular work has strong expressive content integrated into a beautifully coordinated composition,” Russom said. “Throughout the time she has been in the art program at SUNY Plattsburgh, Winosha has combined a very thoughtful approach to her art with a tremendous work ethic.”
For more information on the Best of SUNY show, including Zoom information, contact Sara Saplin, executive director of special events with SUNY System Administration, at [email protected].