Reunion 2014 Brings Together Alumni, Generations | SUNY Plattsburgh
Aesop was all wet when he said, “Familiarity breeds contempt.”
The Flanagan-Jividen women are as familiar with SUNY Plattsburgh as you can get, and there isn’t a contemptuous bone in their collective alumni body.
Maureen Blaney Flanagan ’64, her daughter Katie Flanagan Jividen ‘89 and granddaughter Grace Jividen, a junior majoring in psychology, were positively giddy at the Reunion 2014 picnic on Memorial Field, July 12. The trio was among more than 300 alumni attending the weekend festivities honoring graduates from classes ending in “4” and “9.” Maureen, a school-nurse teacher from the Class of 1964, was celebrating 50 years as a Cardinal, while Katie was ushering in her silver anniversary. Grace is looking forward to graduation in 2016.
“The Living End”
Amid laughter and reminiscences under the picnic tent, Maureen praised the Office of Alumni Relations for a successful job. “You guys have worked so hard to make this a great reunion, as always.”
She and her daughter Katie admitted wistfully that they don’t get back to Plattsburgh as much as they would like. “This is the living end for me,” Maureen said, speaking of her love of the college and the town. “This is home.” Grace, on the other hand, is staying in Plattsburgh over the summer to do research with Dr. John Mansfield, associate professor of psychology.
Attended Same School as Mother
Maureen attended SUNY Plattsburgh at a time when school-nurse teaching was in high demand. Katie, a communication arts major, initially had other ideas. But after seeing the campus, she knew she would follow in her mother’s footsteps, even after touring other schools. She said Grace, her daughter, had a similar experience. She hadn’t wanted to apply to any SUNY schools at first, but Katie insisted she apply to at least one. And here she is.
“I guess it’s genetic,” Grace said.
Lifelong Lasting Friendships
Reflecting on their rich experiences at SUNY Plattsburgh, the women recalled special moments that created indelible memories.
Maureen remembered spending two “phenomenal” years in New York City, gaining clinical experience, while remaining part of the Plattsburgh family. “Dean (Willard) Flynt and others sent apples in the fall, and chocolate at Valentine’s Day, to keep us connected to the campus.”
Katie added, “Plattsburgh is a great place to develop as a person, to learn leadership skills, make lifelong lasting friendships.”
Grace can attest to that. “I have wonderful friends,” she said. “There are people I haven’t seen in six weeks – I miss them terribly, so I can’t imagine how it must feel after 25 years.”

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