New Parking Designations Implemented on Campus
Students, faculty, staff and visitors at Plattsburgh State University of New York have the first week of the semester to get used to the new parking lot designations recently implemented.
In accordance with the parking plan developed and approved campus-wide last year, the new lot designations went into effect this week. The biggest overall change is that parking lots are no longer shared between parking groups, i.e. off-campus students and faculty/staff.
Arlene Sabo, chief of University Police, said the changes in parking lot designations, which were recommended by a consultant several years ago, along with other modifications in the parking plan should make it easier for the different groups to locate parking spaces once they learn the new lot designations.
"With the addition of 500 new parking spaces this fall, the time was right to address the re-designation of the lots," said Sabo. "We will have a more equitable number of spaces adequately distributed around campus according to the number of parking registrations per group."
Sabo said that if you look at the new parking plan for the campus in a circular pattern, the faculty and staff parking is closer to their offices where there is less movement of vehicles during the day and less likelihood of vehicular-pedestrian accidents involving injuries. Off-campus student parking is located slightly further away from the building while on-campus student parking is adjacent to the residence halls.
A new parking lot was constructed at the former tennis courts next to Wilson Hall this summer. A second lot behind Sibley Hall is being constructed and is expected to be completed in October.
Parking in designated lots between the hours of 5 p.m. and 6 a.m. each weekday and throughout the weekends is open to all parking groups with the exception of no overnight parking hours.
Sabo said that a one-week grace period during the first week of the fall semester has been granted to enable parkers to register their vehicles and learn the new lot designations. After this week, parking will be strictly enforced and tickets will be issued for parking violations.
Another change to note is that the one-way traffic pattern into the Health Center parking lot behind Saranac Hall has been changed for safety reasons. Motorists will now enter the parking lot on the roadway between Macomb Hall and Saranac Hall (College Store) and exit that lot from the roadway adjacent to Memorial Hall.
Parking maps are available at University Police (Health Center Building) and the Angell
College Center Information Desk.
The following parking lots on campus have new lot designations affecting who can
legally park in the lots:
Hawkins Hall: The lot next to Cornelia Street on the side of Hawkins is for faculty/staff parking only. The lots behind Hawkins, adjacent to Draper Ave., are for off-campus students only.
President's House: The parking lot at the President's House is for off-campus students only.
Redcay/133 Court Street: This lot is for faculty/staff parking only.
Sibley Hall: The front and side lots of Sibley Hall are for faculty/staff parking only. The new lot located behind Sibley is now under construction and should be completed by the end of September. This lot will be divided between off- and on-campus students.
Wilson Hall (formerly tennis courts): This new lot, which was opened last semester, is for on-campus students only.
Memorial Hall: The lot behind Harrington Hall is now completely on-campus student parking with the exception of the small faculty/staff parking section directly adjacent to the lower level of Memorial Hall.
Saranac Hall/Memorial Hall: The parking lot between Memorial Hall and Saranac Hall is now faculty/staff parking only with one row to be designated by signage as visitor-only parking.
Kehoe/Myers: This lot is divided by signage with the section closest to Kehoe reserved for faculty/staff only. The section closest to Rugar St. is reserved for off-campus students only.
Yokum Hall: This lot is now visitor-only parking.
Hudson Hall: Both lots, side and back of Hudson, have been designated faculty/staff-only parking.
Beaumont Hall: The lot behind Beaumont Hall, along Draper Ave., is divided by signage. The section closest to Broad St. is faculty/staff-only parking, while the section next to Feinberg Library is now off-campus students-only parking.
Banks Hall: This lot is now designated for off-campus students-only parking.
Champlain Valley Hall: This lot remains faculty/staff parking only.
Valley Hall: This lot remains faculty/staff parking only.