Mayoral Candidate Q&A Featured as ‘Late Night for the Planet’ Returns to Olive Ridley’s
The student-run game-and-talk show, “Late Night for the Planet,” returnked to Olive
Ridley’s for a season of conversation, information and games, with the first being
a “Meet the Candidates” night Oct. 9.
“Late Night” began six years ago when Dr. Curt Gervich, associate professor in SUNY Plattsburgh’s Center for Earth and Environmental Science, and two of his former students, Charlie Olsen and Michala Hendrick, wanted to do something more than a lecture series that would be entertaining but also raise awareness and build community around different topics that affect life as we know it.
The show features interviews and games with regional leaders from environmental, social justice and the media and entertainment arenas. The first show of the season featured City of Plattsburgh candidates for mayor, Don Kasprzak and Wendell Hughes, who were on hand for some games and a spirited Q&A.
Past seasons brought in experts on climate change, the housing crisis, environmental politics under the Trump administration and guests including housing lawyer and poet Brian Gilmore, Olympic bobsledder John Napier, who now helps Wounded Warriors find fitness through outdoor recreation, and Green Party presidential candidate Howie Hawkins.
Two more Wednesday evenings are planned for the fall semester: Nov. 13 and Dec. 11. The show starts at 8 p.m.
For more information, contact Gervich at 518-564-4030 or email [email protected].
— Story by Associate Director of Communications Gerianne Downs with Photo Provided
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