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Juniors Invited to Plattsburgh State Summer Open House

PLATTSBURGH, NY __ The Admissions Office of the State University of New York College at Plattsburgh will be hosting a Summer Open House for high school juniors on Friday, July 9 from 10 a.m to 2 p.m.  

Summer Open House will give junior high school students the opportunity to start thinking early about college.

"The summer open house will be a kick off to the college experience as well as a chance for us to showcase Plattsburgh State," said Robert Owen, admissions advisor. "The students will be able to learn about college life and the admission process, and they will get a chance to see first hand why Plattsburgh State students are so successful."

The day's events will include a welcome presentation from the Admission Office followed by presentations on academic life and campus life. After lunch, students will be treated to a tour of the campus. Open House will conclude with a panel discussion by current Plattsburgh State students who will discuss their college experience.

High school students can register by either calling the Admissions Office at 518-564-2040 or by going to www.plattbsurgh.edu and clicking on "Summer Open House."  There is no registration fee, but there is a lunch fee of $6.40.

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