Earth and Environmental Science Club Presentation Nov. 11
PLATTSBURGH, NY __The Earth and Environmental Science Club, a student organization
at the State University of New York College at Plattsburgh, is sponsoring a presentation
on Afghanistan by Vermont USDA Conservationist Drew Adam Saturday, Nov. 11, at 4 p.m.
in room 106, Hudson Hall.
Adam spent six months in rural Afghanistan working with farmers and local government officials to improve agricultural production of crops and to offer alternative choice to poppy production. Adam lived at Bagram Air Base and worked in the rural Afghani countryside, giving him a unique view of life in central Afghanistan. He will share experiences of his remarkable time spent in Afghanistan as an agricultural advisor seeking to help rebuild the agricultural infrastructure of the war-torn country.
For more information on this presentation, which is free and open to the public, email the club's president, Sarah Wharton, via email at [email protected]
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