College Media Groups Work Together on Community Service Project
PLATTSBURGH, NY __ Students at the State University of New York College at Plattsburgh
who are active with the three college media outlets will hold a Starve-A-Thon on Saturday,
Nov. 13 beginning at 9 a.m. in the Amitie Plaza, outside the Angell College Center.
Members of Cardinal Points (the school's award-winning newspaper), PSTV (the college's television station on local channel 10 and cable channel 17) and WQKE - the Quake 93.9 (the campus radio station), will be collecting pre-packaged, non-perishable food items for the Plattsburgh Interfaith Food Shelf.
Community members are encouraged to bring donations to one of two drop-off points on Rugar Street - in front of the Angell College Center and on Rugar Street near the College Store where a tent will be set up.
The students won't stop collecting until they have received 2,991 food items. The students arrived at this number by adding the call letters for Quake (939), the channel numbers for PSTV (1,017) and 1,000 plus 35 for Cardinal Points , which is celebrating its 35th year in existence.
According to Peter Ensel, associate professor and chair of the communication department, this is the third year of the Starve-A-Thon project, which was originally started by student members of WQKE.
"This is the first time the three college student media have come together to work on a community service project," said Ensel.
Derek Constable, editor-in-chief of Cardinal Points , said, "I think it's great to have all three SUNY Plattsburgh news media working together for such a good cause."
Andrea Bullard, promotions director for PSTV, agreed. "Putting together the Starve-A-Thon with all college media is a great way to bring us all together and provide a public service that benefits the community-at-large."
For more information, contact Peter Ensel at 518-564-4287.
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