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Cardinal Points Earns 14th All-American Designation

Cardinal Points, SUNY Plattsburgh's independent, student-run newspaper, has been named an All-American newspaper for the spring 2014 semester by the Associated Collegiate Press.

The paper's score of 1,025 out of a possible 1,090 is the highest in the newspaper's history. It also earned four Marks of Distinction. To be named an All-American, a paper must score 900 or higher and earn at least four marks of distinction out of the five possible. 

Cardinal Points received marks of distinction in coverage and content; writing and editing; photos, art and graphics; and leadership.

The All-American ranking is the 14th for the college paper, which was inducted into the college newspaper Hall of Fame in October 2010. All-American status is bestowed on only about 20 percent of college newspapers nationwide.

Student-editors for the spring 2014 semester were: Stanley Blow III, editor in chief; Lara Dufresne, managing editor; Maggie McVey, news editor; Nick Topping, associate news editor; Elizabeth Reff, Fuse editor; Zachary Ripple, sports editor; John Green, associate sports editor; Brittany Shew, opinions editor; Matt Cohen, photo editor; Manuel Santiago, associate photo editor; Lara Dufresne, art director; Brian Molongoski, online editor; Amanda Velez, associate online editor; and Daniel Daley, advertising manager.

Shawn W. Murphy, professor of journalism and chair of the Department of Journalism and Public Relations, is the faculty adviser to Cardinal Points. He has advised the newspaper since fall 1997. 

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