Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour at SUNY Plattsburgh Feb. 6
PLATTSBURGH, NY __Sit down and buckle up for the world’s best outdoor adventure films
during the Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour at the State University of New
York College at Plattsburgh on Monday, Feb. 6 at 7 p.m. in the E. Glenn Giltz Auditorium,
Hawkins Hall.
For the past 29 years, the Banff Mountain Film Festival has been celebrating the spirit of adventure and the mountain environment. Each November, the world's best films on mountain themes draw an international audience to Banff, Canada.
The best of the best films then go on a worldwide tour. Tickets for the film festival, which is brought to you by the Adirondack Experience at SUNY Plattsburgh, are $6 for general admission, $4 for SUNY Plattsburgh faculty and staff and free for SUNY Plattsburgh students with ID.
Films in this year's tour will take you to the ends of the earth as well as adventures found in your own backyard. Featuring a wide variety of stories - from mountain sports to mountain culture and environment - the festival explores virtually every corner of the globe. Whether you are an experienced mountaineer or an armchair adventurer, you'll enjoy this event.
The Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour, presented by National Geographic and
Dunham Bootmakers, spans the globe, making its way from Belgium to Brazil and from
Iceland to India, including over 250 screenings across North America.
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