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Applications, Acceptances Ahead of Last Year at SUNY Plattsburgh

PLATTSBURGH, NY __ The State University of New York College at Plattsburgh is witnessing an increase in the number of admission applications for the fall 2005 semester.

As of March 28, 489 more undergraduate applications were received than in 2003 and 989 more applications, a 19 percent increase, when compared to last year at this time. Acceptances are also running well ahead of last year.

Rich Higgins '76 G'78, director of admissions, said that this year's increase is, in part, a result from a decision to promote Plattsburgh State in a number of external markets and from the combined efforts of a very determined and dedicated admissions staff.

The admissions staff has concentrated their recruitment travel efforts in growth regions within the state and has also kept pace with the ever-expanding e-communications from prospective students and their parents.

Dr. Robert Golden, provost and vice president for academic affairs, said this boost in applications says a lot about the College.

"We are happy with the increase in applications to SUNY Plattsburgh," said Golden. "We believe this increase is indicative of the strong academic programs and the supportive environment for students that this College provides."

While Higgins and Golden are pleased with the results thus far, they maintain that there is still a great deal to be done.

Higgins said that personal communications by faculty members, professional staff, alumni and enrolled students is strong proof to prospective students that the College values their application enough to highlight program strengths and to encourage them to visit the campus.

Additional recruitment initiatives for this year include: four regional receptions throughout New York State for accepted applicants; congratulatory letters to accepted applicants written by alumni; and the return of a Peer Recruitment Program.
The Peer Recruitment Program encourages currently enrolled students to visit their former high schools and highlight their Plattsburgh State experiences with prospective students, their favorite teachers and guidance counselors. More than 100 site visits were made by 128 currently enrolled students during winter break.

The Financial Aid Office and Admissions Office have also been working together to offer high ability applicants scholarships and grants to further encourage their enrollment at the College.

Additional upcoming events planned by the Admissions Office include: daily visits; once a month Saturday Informational Sessions; Spring Open House on Saturday, April 16; and the Minority Student Visitation Program (MSVP). This program provides accepted minority students the opportunity to stay overnight in the residence halls as guests of enrolled students and participate in academic and social programs.

Higgins and his staff are very encouraged by the 19 percent increase in applications this year.

"The word is getting out about the quality of our academic programs, range of campus life activities and our dedication to student services," said Higgins. 

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