Records Retention
Here to assist you with your department and division records.
Not all records have a retention time period, so review the retention schedules below for more in-depth information. SUNY Office of General Counsel and the N.Y. Archives & Government Services designate the length of time a record is kept due to legal reasons. Holding onto records longer than necessary may cause a host of problems including: legal problems for the campus, storage problems and retrieval delays.
Record Retention Schedules
SUNY Records Retention & Disposition Schedule
The SUNY Records Retention and Disposition Schedule is a comprehensive listing of the retention schedules organized by topic and sub-topic (which are outlined in the appendices of SUNY Policy 6609). Access the individual schedules at SUNY’s Records Retention and Disposition Schedule
General Records Retention Schedule
This schedule hosted by New York state archives is for common administrative, fiscal, and personnel records of all state agencies. Download the General Schedule