Employee Responsibilities for Internal Control
At every position level, all employees should be aware of the college’s goals and their roles in attaining those goals. All employees should exercise judgment and act to protect the institution and its resources from loss, waste or damage.
Employee & Manager Responsibilities
Our competence and professional integrity are essential components of a sound internal control program. By knowing what our responsibilities are, we can help to provide reasonable assurance that our internal control systems are adequate and operating in an efficient manner.
Commitment of Campus Leaders
Employee attitude affects the quality of job performance and, as a result, the quality of internal controls. A positive attitude is initiated and fostered when internal controls are a consistent priority. From the president and vice presidents to the deans and directors, everyone must demonstrate commitment to the internal control program.
In addition, college officials should be open to employee suggestions concerning the campus’ internal control systems. Users are the best source of improvements to a system.