Every semester, SUNY Plattsburgh instructors who are interested in developing their
pedagogical skills, discussing up-to-date scholarship of teaching and learning, and
building a community of teacher-scholars on campus have the opportunity to participate
in our book club.
We meet regularly to discuss a shared reading and reflect on how it might apply to
teaching and learning on the SUNY Plattsburgh campus. Sometimes we have the opportunity
to meet with faculty from other colleges to discuss the book. In the past we’ve read
and discussed:
- Make it Stick: The Science of Successful Learning;
- Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons from the Science of Learning;
- The Blended Course Design Workbook: A Practical Guide;
- Small Teaching Online: Applying Learning Science in Online Classes;
- Distracted: Why Students Can't Focus and What You Can Do About It;
- What Inclusive Instructors Do: Principles in Excellence in College Teaching;
- Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone: Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education;
- Relationship-Rich Education: How Human Connections Drive Success in College; and
- Inclusive Teaching: Strategies for Promoting Equity in the College Classroom.
- Grading for Growth: A Guide to Alternative Grading Practices that Promote Authentic
Learning and Student Engagement in Higher Education
- The Norton Guide to Equity-Minded Teaching
To see the current book club reading and meeting schedule, visit the CTE Brightspace