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Explore and develop your skills in theoretical and applied physics and pre-engineering.

Physics Major

Learn how the universe functions. Through both hands-on applied learning and theoretical modeling, you will develop a fundamental understanding of the world around you.

What Will I Learn?

The physics major teaches you how to apply the fundamental laws and theories of classical and modern physics to real world problems including: engineering, electronics, magnetism, waves, thermodynamics, energy and robotics.

What is Unique About Our Program?

Focused on students, we emphasize experiential learning, problem solving,development of critical thinking skills, undergraduate level research, and enhancing career opportunities. For students interested in engineering we offer a large selection of engineering oriented courses. Our faculty’s open door policy offers a helpful, nurturing environment, always ready to answer questions and help students grasp course material or develop a research project.

What Are My Career Opportunities?

What careers could be in your future? According to Kiplinger’s Survey, physics and engineering are among the top 10 majors leading to a well paying and satisfying career. Graduates of our program are pursuing a variety of professional careers in the following fields:

  • Academic careers
  • Research scientist
  • Materials science
  • Aerospace engineering
  • Renewable energy research
  • Sports physics
  • Secondary education
  • Mechanical engineer
  • Electrical engineering
  • Civil engineering
  • Aerospace engineering
  • Mining engineering
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