Update: SUNY Plattsburgh to Collect Items for Food Shelf at Public Inaugural Viewing
PLATTSBURGH, N.Y. (Jan. 16, 2008) - Volunteers from JCEO and the Interfaith Food Shelf will be on hand to collect donations of food and money from those willing to give them at SUNY Plattsburgh's public viewing of the Inaugural Swearing-In Ceremony on Tuesday, Jan. 20, at 11:30 a.m. in Room 200, Yokum Hall. This effort is in response to President-Elect Barack Obama's call for a Day of Service leading up to the inauguration.
The viewing of the inauguration is free and open to all community members. Attendees are welcome to bring a bag lunch to the program. In addition, some light refreshments will be available.
An informal discussion will follow the program. Faculty from a variety of departments will be on hand to add to the conversation. SUNY Plattsburgh President John Ettling has authorized release time for college employees to watch this ceremony in Yokum or at other on campus locations, subject to campus operating needs and supervisory approval.
Yokum Hall is off Broad Street, between the intersections of Beekman and Draper. University Police will not ticket members of the community who park in the college lots during this event.
For more information, contact Holly Heller-Ross at 518-564-5192 or [email protected] .