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The Yellow Dress Play to be Performed April 13 at Plattsburgh State

PLATTSBURGH, NY __ The Yellow Dress , a play by Deana's Fund about domestic violence and sexual assault, will be performed at the State University of New York College at Plattsburgh at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, April 13 in the Hyman and Frances Krinovitz Recital Hall, Hawkins Hall as part of a daylong program in association with National Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

Bacchus Gamma, a peer education student-run organization actively working to better the campus and community, is bringing Deana's Fund to campus.

Deana's Fund is named in memory of Deana Brisbois, a creative, athletic and energetic 23-year-old woman from Topsfield, Ma., who lost her life in a car-crash in April 1994. She was in an abusive relationship for two years before her death. Deana's abuser was with her in the car when it crashed - but fled the scene - waiting over nine hours before he sought emergency treatment and claiming he fled the car in panic. He was subsequently jailed for two years on assault and battery charges (32 charges from five Massachusetts counties).

Today, Deana's Fund is recognized as an innovative leader in developing and producing comprehensive educational theater programs on relationship violence for grades k-12, workplaces, colleges and communities around the United States.

In addition to the play, four (4) one-hour training sessions on domestic violence and sexual assault will be held in the Cardinal Lounge, Angell College Center. The sessions are free and open to everyone and begin at 10:30 a.m., 12:15 p.m., 1:30 p.m. and 3 p.m.

In an effort to inspire a campus campaign against domestic violence and sexual assault, Bacchus Gamma is calling for a "Yellow Out Day" by encouraging everyone to wear yellow for the day. While many students and staff may be unable to participate in the training sessions due to prior commitments, Bacchus Gamma asks everyone to wear something yellow to show their support against domestic violence and sexual assault.

For more information about the play, training sessions or "Yellow Out Day," contact Michael S. Cashman, advisor in the Center for Greek Affairs and Leadership Development, at 518-564-4846.

More information about The Yellow Dress and Deana's Fund is available on the Web at http://www.deanasfund.com/collegeprogram.htm

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