SUNY Plattsburgh Presents Sampling of Public Events Through Early April
PLATTSBURGH, N.Y. (Feb. 23, 2009) - The State University of New York College at Plattsburgh is pleased to present this calendar of public events through early April. This calendar contains a sampling of arts, workshops, talks and other events at the college, all of which are open to the public and many of which are free of charge.
For more information, visit the college's Web site at or contact Michelle Ouellette, associate director of public relations and publications, at 518-564-3095 or [email protected].
Tuesday, March 10
Blood Drive, 10:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Cardinal Lounge, Angell College Center, SUNY Plattsburgh. Part of SUNY Plattsburgh's Month of Action. For information, Contact the Center for Student Involvement at 518-564-4830.
"In Her Shoes," 7-9 p.m. Alumni Conference Room, Angell College Center, SUNY Plattsburgh. This is an interactive program that explores the lives of women who are leaving their abusers. Participants will go through the thought processes, steps and social services that an abused woman might encounter.
Wednesday, March 11
Keeping Score to Win the Game: Cash is King, 8:30-9:30 a.m. North Country Community College in Saranac Lake. See March 3 for details. Register online at or 518-563-1000. Hosted by Lake Placid Business Association.
"From the Ballot Box to the Inbox: How Social Media Won the White House," a webinar, Wednesday, March 11, 3 p.m. Room 202, Yokum Hall. Free and open to the campus. Americans yearned for "change." And not only did the Obama campaign deliver the message, they achieved the ultimate goal of engaging and exciting the public for the most memorable presidential election in history. The Obama camp has provided a template for the practice of communications in the new media reality in which we all live today. This webinar is a chance to explore how the Obama campaign leveraged social media for the ultimate prize. Presented by Torod Neptune, SVP Global Public Affairs at Waggener Edstrom, Washington, D.C., and made possible by a grant from the Student Association.
TEDTalks, 7 p.m. Room 200, Yokum Hall, SUNY Plattsburgh. Free video conference on three topics. 1.) The avant-garde string quartet Ethel performs the third movement from Phil Kline's four-part suite "The Blue Room and Other Stories." An all-star foursome, Ethel includes performers Cornelius Dufallo (violin), Ralph Farris (viola), Dorothy Lawson (cello) and Mary Rowell (violin) - a mixed bag of players from classical, rock and downtown new-music circles. 2.) Solo performer and comic actor Julia Sweeney performs the first 15 minutes of her 2006 solo show "Letting Go of God." 3.) Author, philosopher, prankster and journalist A.J. Jacobs talks about the year he spent living biblically - following the rules in the Bible as literally as possible.
Coffeehouse, 9 p.m. The Point (by Subway), Angell College Center. Night of free entertainment and an opportunity to learn from the group ONE about Fair Trade coffee. Sponsored by the Student Association Activities Coordination Board. Part of SUNY Plattsburgh's Month of Action.
Thursday, March 12
CDPI Film, "Dirty Pretty Things," 7 p.m. Room 200, Yokum Hall, SUNY Plattsburgh. Okwe, a kind-hearted Nigerian doctor, and Senay, a Turkish chambermaid, work at the same West London Hotel. The hotel is run by Senor Sneaky and is the sort of place where dirty businesses like drug dealing and prostitution takes place.However, when Okwe finds a human heart in one of the toilets, he uncovers something far more sinister than just a common crime.
Increasing Your Bottom Line, 8 a.m. Lake Placid. Presented by Rick Leibowitz from the North Country Small Business Development Center, this seminar will focus on three strategies that businesses can pursue to increase overall profitability. These are increasing margin, increasing volume and decreasing expenses. This seminar will explain options for business owners, information they should gather to make educated decisions and ways to determine the best course toward making their businesses more profitable. There are pros and cons to each of these strategies and Leibowitz will discuss some best practices to create a balanced plan for profit growth. Hosted by the Lake Placid Business Association. To register or to learn more, contact Lori Statts from Fanfare at 518-523-9223.
Friday, March 13
Friday Gallery Concert Series, 12:30 p.m. Lobby, Myers Fine Arts Building, SUNY Plattsburgh. Free and open to the public. For more information, call 518-564-2283.
Wednesday, March 18
Increasing Your Bottom Line, 8:30-9:30 a.m. North Country Community College in Saranac Lake. See March 12 listing for details. Hosted by the Saranac Lake Chamber of Commerce. To register call 518-891-1990 or e-mail [email protected] . The cost is $10 for members or $20 for yet-to-be members.
Thursday, March 19
Right Place, Right Time Marketing, 8-11 a.m. Lake Placid. Marketing is an investment, not an expense. This seminar will help participants evaluate their existing customer profiles and identify who may be missing. Presenter Mark Leibowitz from the North Country Small Business Development Center will also explore different advertising mediums and the importance of time and place in creating a more cost effective marketing plan and focus on the basics of creating an effective marketing strategy. Hosted by the Lake Placid Business Association. To register or to learn more, contact Lori Statts from Fanfare at 518-523-9223.
Preparedness Conference, 8 a.m.-4:15 p.m. Room 200, Yokum Hall, SUNY Plattsburgh. Presented by the EXPLORE Consortium, this conference is designed for health professionals, educators and students. Topics include disaster medical assistance, bomb and blast injuries, public health, the Graniteville train wreck and emergency preparedness for special needs populations.
"Cat in the Dog House: the Art of Relationships," 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Room 202, Yokum Hall, SUNY Plattsburgh. Presented by Michael Grinder, this conference covers management and instructional techniques for educators. Known for his groundbreaking work in group dynamics, Grinder helps teachers increase their charisma in the classroom by identifying attributes that create charisma. The course will teach concrete ways to use non-verbal techniques and group dynamics to benefit the classroom.
Tuesday, March 24
Colleges Against Cancer's Dodge Ball Tournament, 7-9:30 p.m. Memorial Hall, SUNY Plattsburgh. Recapture schoolyard glory while supporting Colleges Against Cancer and the Relay for Life. $2 in advance, $3 at the door. A maximum of 8 players per team. For information contact Joshua Preston, [email protected] .
Faculty Jazz Concert with Guest Mark van Gulden, 7:30 p.m. Krinovitz Recital Hall, Hawkins Hall.
Wednesday, March 25
Right Place, Right Time Marketing, 8:30-9:30 a.m. North Country Community College, Saranac Lake. See March 19 listing for details. Hosted by the Saranac Lake Chamber of Commerce. To register call 518-891-1990 or e-mail [email protected] . The cost is $10 for members or $20 for yet-to-be members.
7 p.m. Room 200, Yokum Hall, SUNY Plattsburgh. Free Video conference on three topics.
1.) Einstein, the African grey parrot with a vocabulary of more than 200 words and
sounds, performs. Einstein is part of the Knoxville Zoo's outreach program, helping
educate thousands of visitors about the natural world every year. 2.) Harvard Law
Professor and Contributing Editor at the New York Times Magazine Noah Feldman makes
a searing case that both politics and religion - whatever their differences - are
similar technologies, designed to efficiently connect and manage any group of people.
3.) Psychologist Jonathan Haidt studies the five moral values that form the basis
of political choices, whether individuals are liberal, conservative or in the center.
Coffeehouse, 9 p.m. The Point (by Subway), Angell College Center. A night of free entertainment and an opportunity to learn from the group ONE about Fair Trade coffee. Sponsored by the Student Association Activities Coordination Board as part of SUNY Plattsburgh's Month of Action.
Thursday, March 26
More Customers, More Profits, 8-11 a.m. Lake Placid. Customers are the core to every business. Presented by Mark Leibowitz of the North Country Small Business Development Center, this seminar will explain why exceptional customer service should become a focal point of a business's operations, in addition to offering methods to use in developing customer relations training for employees. Discussion will also focus on ways to increase revenues by expanding a business's internal marketing network. Hosted by the Lake Placid Business Association. To register or learn more, contact Lori Statts from Fanfare at 518-523-9223. The cost is $10 for members or $20 for yet-to-be members.
Start Talking Before They Start Drinking: Parent/Youth Workshop , 5:30-8:30 p.m. Valcour Conference Center, main house. A conversational, interactive workshop for parents and youth about prevention, awareness and education in regards to underage alcohol use and abuse. Open to all Clinton County youth in grades 5-8 and their parents/guardians. The workshop is free and includes dinner and giveaways. Sponsored by the Plattsburgh Campus-Community Partnership, Eastern Adirondack Health Care Network, the SUNY Plattsburgh Center for Student Health and Psychological Services and Behavioral Health Services North. For more information, or to register, call Jessica Mathew at 564-3366 or [email protected] .
Friday, March 27
Learn and Lunch Series for Faculty: Wikis and Blogs, noon-1 p.m. Room 249, Feinberg Library. Learn how these social networking tools are being used to facilitate communication and build knowledge bases. Presented by Karen Volkman. Guests are invited to bring their lunches and, if they wish, their laptops. Additional laptops will be on hand for those wishing to use them. Preregistration is requested but not mandatory. Register online at more online at, or contact Tim Hartnett at 518-564-5205 or [email protected] .
SUNY Plattsburgh's 2009 Relay For Life, 6 p.m.-6 a.m. SUNY Plattsburgh Field House. First participating in 2007, SUNY Plattsburgh is one of more than 460 colleges and universities that have joined the Fight Against Cancer by participating in Relay For Life. Registration is $10 before March 13 and guarantees an event T-shirt. The cost is $20 after that, but event coordinators cannot guarantee a shirt. For information, visit the Web site .
Film Screening, "Frozen River," 6 p.m. Krinovitz Recital Hall, Hawkins Hall, SUNY Plattsburgh. The film will be followed by a discussion of gender, race, class and immigration in the North Country.
Saturday, March 28
"Kids' Night Out," 5-9 p.m. Memorial Hall, SUNY Plattsburgh. Children ages 6-13. Cost $10 per child. For information, call 518-564-4147.
Monday, March 30
Fire Safety Awareness Workshop, 7 p.m. Warren Ballrooms, Angell College Center, SUNY Plattsburgh. Representatives of the New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control will speak about fire safety.
Tuesday, March 31
SUNY Plattsburgh's Campus Clean Up Day , noon. Volunteers will work to beautify the campus as a part of the college's Month of Action. Those interested in helping should notify the Center for Student Involvement at 518-564-4830.
The Adirondacks and the (Re)Invention of American Wilderness, 7 p.m. Cardinal Lounge, Angell College Center, SUNY Plattsburgh. Dr. Phillip Terrie, professor emeritus of Bowling Green State University and the SUNY Plattsburgh history department's latest McLellan distinguished visiting professor of North Country history and culture, will speak on Adirondack environmental history. For more information, contact Dr. Jim Rice at [email protected]
Wednesday, April 1
More Customers, More Profits, 8:30-9:30 a.m. North Country Community College, Saranac Lake. See March 26 listing for details. Hosted by the Saranac Lake Chamber of Commerce. To register call 518-891-1990 or e-mail [email protected] . The cost is $10 for members or $20 for yet-to-be members.
Thursday, April 2
"Interview and Office Etiquette," 4:30 p.m. Amnesty Room, Angell College Center, SUNY Plattsburgh. Presented by Dr. James Csipak. Part of the SUNY Plattsburgh Collegiate Chapter of the American Marketing Association's Business Etiquette seminar series. No charge. Refreshments will be served.
Roundtable Discussion: Gender and Sports, 12:30 p.m., Room 153 C, Hawkins Hall, SUNY Plattsburgh. Panel will feature SUNY Plattsburgh Athletic Director Bruce Delventhal, Associate Librarian Mila Su and Cardinal Hockey player Laurie Bowler.
Friday, April 3
Learn and Lunch Series for Faculty: Public Library Resources, noon-1 p.m. Room 249, Feinberg Library. Discover the many research resources available to the general public through non-academic libraries. Presented by Anne de la Chapelle. Guests are invited to bring their lunches and, if they wish, their laptops. Additional laptops will be on hand for those wishing to use them. Preregistration is requested but not mandatory. Register online at more online at, or contact Tim Hartnett at 518-564-5205 or [email protected] .
Saturday, April 4
Discovering the Joy of Teaching: A Teaching and Learning Conference,
8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Warren Ballrooms, Angell College Center, SUNY Plattsburgh. This conference
will provide SUNY educators with the opportunity to work in collaborative sessions
on ways to improve their teaching for the benefit of teachers and students alike.
It features session facilitators from SUNY Plattsburgh as well as from SUNY institutions
across New York state. Each session proposal has been selected for its potential to
engage conference participants in innovative teaching techniques and encourage thoughtful
discussion on challenging pedagogical issues. The cost to attend is $50; however,
the fee will be waived for all UUP members. Continental breakfast included. For information
contact Dr. Becky Kasper, director, Center for Teaching Excellence, 301 Feinberg Library,
518-564-3043, [email protected]
. Conference information is available online at
Wednesday, April 8
TEDTalks, 7 p.m. Room 200, Yokum Hall, SUNY Plattsburgh. Free Video conference covering three topics.1.) Dutch artist Theo Jansen talks on the art of creating creatures. Jansen has been working for 16 years to create sculptures that move on their own in eerily lifelike ways. 2.) Professor and founder of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute Dean Ornish talks about simple, low-tech and low-cost ways to take advantage of the body's natural desire to heal itself. 3.) In this fiery and funny talk, New York Times food writer Mark Bittman weighs in on what's wrong with the way we eat now, and why it's putting the entire planet at risk.
"Rockwell Kent: This Is My Own," through May 17, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. daily, New York State Museum, Albany, N.Y. Exhibition of fine art from the Plattsburgh State Art Museum, Rockwell Kent Collection. The exhibition chronicles the life and work of Rockwell Kent; included are paintings, drawings, prints, books, bookplates, photographs, dinnerware, advertising art and more. To contact the New York State Museum, call 518-474-5877. To contact the Plattsburgh State Art Museum, contact Marjorie Quesnell, museum secretary at 518-564-2474 or [email protected] .
"Andy Warhol: Portraits from the Andy Warhol Photographic Legacy," through July 5, noon - 4 p.m. daily, Burke Gallery, Myers Fine Arts Building. This exhibit features a selection of original Polaroid photographs and gelatin silver prints given to the Plattsburgh State Art Museum by The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts in honor of the foundation's 20th anniversary.
Free income tax preparation and electronic filing, throughout February on Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; throughout March on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Fridays and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.; and in April on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Fridays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. 5139 North Catherine St., inside the Senior Citizens Council building in Plattsburgh. Parking is available in the rear of the building. Free for all ages. Contact Kaye at 335-8036 or email [email protected] .
SAT Review Classes, March 30-April 30, 7-9 p.m., Mondays and Wednesdays, March 30, April 1, 6, 8, 20, 22, 27 and 29 in Room 409, Sibley Hall or Tuesdays and Thursdays, March 31, April 2, 7, 9, 21, 23, 28 and 30 in Room 407, Sibley Hall. The cost is $175 for the four weeks and includes textbook and CD. Register online at , by fax at 518-564-4092 or by phone at 518-564-3054.

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