SUNY Plattsburgh College Council to Meet Feb. 16
The SUNY Plattsburgh College Council will hold its next meeting at 1 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 16, in the Alumni Conference Room, Angell College Center.
Prior to the meeting, College Council members will tour Feinberg Library looking at the renovations to the building. Members will meet at the library's lobby at 11 a.m.
The meeting itself will feature a presentation on Civility in the Workplace by Bethanne DelGaudio, a member of the campus committee that has been working on that issue and director of certification and graduate advising for the college’s teacher education unit.
In addition to a variety of committee reports, the council will hear reports on the status of the college’s operating budget, Middle States Accreditation and enrollment management. It will also consider a commendation honoring Cerise Oberman, former dean of library and information services, for her service to the college.
The meeting is open to the public.