Spring Semester to Start Remotely Feb. 1, On-Campus Classes Begin Feb. 15
All spring semester classes at SUNY Plattsburgh will begin Monday, Feb. 1, with the first two weeks of all classes offered remotely.
Classes that will meet face to face will shift to on-campus meeting times beginning Monday, Feb. 15.
The schedule allows for a phased process to best ensure the safe return of students and to accommodate increased testing and other health and safety requirements. On-campus residential students will be scheduled to return from Sunday, Feb. 7 to Tuesday, Feb. 9. Returning residential students will be given scheduled times soon for their return to campus.
Incoming Testing Requirements
Any student who will live on campus, take at least one class on campus, use services on campus (including the library, gym, and dining), or work on campus, will be required to complete specific screening, quarantining and testing requirements prior to coming to campus.
There are three critical steps for students to take:
- Beginning two weeks before returning to campus, students must complete the campus’ daily health screening form each day.
- Beginning one week before returning to campus, students are asked to limit exposure to others. SUNY is directing students to submit an electronic attestation form that they have done so.
- As students return to campus, they must do or have done one of the following:
a) Present evidence of a negative PCR COVID-19 test taken within three days prior to return; or
b) Participate in on-campus COVID-19 testing as soon as possible but no later than five days of returning to campus and have a negative test result prior to attending face-to-face classes; or
c) Present documentation of a positive diagnostic result for COVID-19 from the prior three-month period.
On-campus pooled surveillance testing for COVID-19 will be conducted Monday, Feb. 8 through Thursday, Feb. 11 for those needing to fulfill that requirement.
Ongoing Testing Requirements
Faculty, staff and students who work, live on, attend classes or have any other activity on campus are required to participate in campus pooled surveillance testing.
Pooled testing will occur weekly for each person throughout the entire spring semester. This will begin Monday, Feb. 15.
Spring Schedule
Other key aspects of the spring semester include:
- The first two weeks of the semester will be delivered remotely as planned — fully online — to all students.
- Non-essential staff will be permitted to extend current remote work during the first two weeks of the semester, returning to campus Monday, Feb. 15.
- Following public health guidelines, there will continue to be no spring break.
- Final exam week will run May 8-14.
- Spring Commencement is tentatively scheduled for May 15. Details on the format will be developed over the coming weeks.
Further requirements apply for students traveling from distant locations and needing to fulfill travel quarantine rules. Details are online at www.plattsburgh.edu/COVID-19.