Plattsburgh State Showcase 2004
Complete Listing of Events
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A major academic event at Plattsburgh State until the early 1990's returns anew the week of April 19-24 and promises to be better than ever. Showcase 2004 is a week-long, campus-wide series of specially selected presentations covering a wide range of student scholarship and research. By highlighting the exceptional quality of student academic achievement, Showcase affirms the College's primary commitment to intellectual engagement and student success.All events, which span traditional lecture and multimedia formats, are free and open to the public. Classes will remain in session, so Plattsburgh State students will want to review the schedule to see which sessions offer the best opportunities for attendance.Each of the College's faculties - Arts and Science, Professional Studies, the School of Business and Economics, and Library and Information Technology Services - are represented by their students in Showcase Week events.A poster exhibition with highlights of the week is planned for the College's Spring Open House, which occurs at conclusion of Showcase Week on Saturday, April 24, 2004.
Arts & Sciences
- Anthropology-Alaska Summer Project
Art Department
- Text Illustration to Social Evolution and Revolution
Art Museum
- Senior Art Exhibition 2004
Center for Earth & Environmental Science
- Logitudinal Stream Biogeochemistry of Altona Flatrock and the Little Chazy Watershed
- Late Mesozoic Exhumation of the Northern Appalachian Orogen
- Hydrologic Budget of a Groundwater Flow-Through Reservoir
- Sediment Survey of the Imperial Dam Reservoir
Communication Department
- Exhibit of Written and Visual Work
- Student Recognition Showcase 2004
- Forensics Showcase
Computer Science Department
- An Illuminated Three-Dimensional Scene
- Video Selector Using User Profiles
- Computer and System Trouble-Shooter
- Intranet
- Very Fancy Boxball
Department of Foreign Language & Literature
- Advanced French Presentation
- The Frida Project
History Department
- Northeasterners' Conceptions of the Revolutionary War
- W. B. Yeats and the Poetic Expression of Fascism, 1932-35
- Snyder, Kerouac and Eastern Mysticism
Lake Champlain Research Institute
- Lake Champlain Research Institute Poster Presentations
Latin American Studies
- Venezuela 2004 Model OAS
Music Department
- Chamber Ensembles
- ConcertApplications of Music in the Elementary Classroom Lesson
- Teaching Guitar to Young Students
- Marketing Your College Music Program
- Choral Fest 2004 Concert
- Music & Medicine: An Introduction to Music Therapy
- Bel Canto Principles and Practice
- Sinfonia Concert
Philosophy Department
- Undergraduate Student Philosophy Colloquium
Physics Department
- Analysis of Solar Radiation
- Cosmology Theories
Psychology Department
- Children' Nonverbal Communication Skills & Emotion Regulation
- The Influence of Children's temperament on Maternal Behavior During a Distressing Task
- Universal Pre-kindergarten: Long-term Benefits to Children's Academic Performance
- The Influence of Breast Feeding on Typically Developing Children's Gaze Following Skills
- The Effects of Type of Child Care on Gaze Following Skills in Typically Developing Children
- Fairness of Course Policies
- Psychometric Properties of the Comprehensive Child Maltreatment Inventory
- The Undergraduate Psychology Fieldwork Experience
- Neurofeedback for the Amelioration of ADHD Symptoms: Does it Really Work?
Sociology and Criminal Justice
- Plattsburgh State Oaxaca Program, Fall 2003
Theatre Department
- Folk Tales Improvised into Short Plays
- Student Acted and Directed One-Act Plays
School of Business & Economics
Economics & Finance
- How the Economy Affects Tourism
- Demand for Tobacco Products
- The Impact of Globalization on the Labor Market in the US
- An Empirical Study of Two Professional Sports: Baseball and Hockey
- Nigeria's Debt Crisis
- Poverty in Post Communist Russia
- Moldova Energy Economics
- The Economic Impact of the European Union
- Implications of Government Spending and Hiring: Inflated GDP or Real Growth
- The U.S. Trade Imbalance: Facts and Analysis
- Stock Selection and Portfolio Diversification I
- Stock Selection and Portfolio Diversification II
- The Optimal Allocation of Commodity Trading Advisors in an International Stock, Bond & Hedge Fund Portfolio
Management & Marketing
- OCUS Focus
- A Study Abroad in Brisbane, Australia
- Beer Project
Hotel, Restaurant & Tourism Management
- Satisfaction Survey
Professional Studies
Department of Nursing
- Cultural Fair
- The Changing Role of Community Health Nursing
Department of Social Work
- Social Work Students Serving the Community
Department of Childhood Education
- Celebration of Science Teaching
Department of Special Education
- Everybody Can if Everybody Does: Three Strategies for Increasing Student Response During Group Instruction
- Instructional Practices in Special Education: Grades 1-6
Student Affairs
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- Alternative Spring Break

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