Pendragon Theatre Presents "Antigone" Saturday, Feb. 3
PLATTSBURGH, NY__Pendragon Theater brings its production of "Antigone" to the State
University of New York College at Plattsburgh on Saturday, Feb. 3, at 7:30 p.m. in
the Hartman Theatre, Myers Fine Arts Building.
Sophocles wrote "Antigone" in 444 B.C. Historians have speculated that he may have wanted to send a message to the Athenian General Pericles about the dangers of authoritarian rule. In the play, Creon, King of Thebes and Antigone's uncle, wields unrelenting and dispassionate control to maintain his power. Antigone defies authority to uphold her slain brother's right to a proper burial. Throughout history, the character of Antigone has remained a potent symbol of civil disobedience, a single voice crying out against repressive governments.
Jean Anouilh wrote his version of "Antigone" in 1944. He was inspired by the story of a young member of the French Resistance firing into an assembled crowd of puppet leaders set up by the Nazi regime. Anouilh disguised his opposition to the fascist regime as a "domestic tragedy," balancing the unwavering convictions of both Creon and Antigone and positing who is "right." The Nazi regime found Creon's arguments so compelling that they allowed the play to be performed throughout Nazi-occupied France. Oppressed citizens sympathized with Antigone's supreme sacrifice - her life - as a testament of her belief in truth and justice.
Pendragon is targeting its performance of "Antigone" to thousands of students throughout the region who study either the Sophocle's or Anouilh version of the story.
"Anouilh's 'Antigone' differs in another striking way from other versions of the story," said Pendragon Theatre Director Bob Pettee. "The character of Creon we see more clearly as a figure who understands the 'kitchen of politics,' the ruthless exercise of power and the need to control the 'featherheaded rabble.' This contrast of the public versus the private, the need to maintain power versus the need to exercise personal power locks these two in a tragedy that moves inevitably to conclusion and we find that even the 'winner' doesn't win."
Pendragon is the Adirondack's only year-round professional theatre and is supported in part by public monies from the New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency.
Tickets are available at the door the night of the show. Box office opens at 6:45 p.m. on the night of the performance. Prices are: adults $16, seniors/ students $12, SUNY Plattsburgh students $2 and students 16 and under $8. Reservations may be made by calling Pendragon Theatre at 518-891-1854 or via email at [email protected]
For more information, contact the SUNY Plattsburgh Theatre Department at 518-564-2180.
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