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Outdoor Leadership Instructor to Give Presentation April 5

PLATTSBURGH, NY __ Dave Anderson, a senior instructor with the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS), will give a presentation, "The Long Walk 2004" at the State University of New York College at Plattsburgh on Tuesday, April 5 at 7:30 p.m. in the Krinovitz Recital Hall, Hawkins Hall. This event is sponsored by the Adirondack Experience Program and College Auxiliary Services and is free and open to the public.

The presentation will include a lecture and slide show about the 2004 journey from Siberia to India by Anderson and his NOLS's team. This trip was first made in 1941 by Slamovir Rawicz and a small group of prisoners of war who escaped from a Soviet labor camp in Siberia. They crossed the Gobi Desert and passed through Tibet, over the Himalayas and went on to what was then British India.

Anderson has been a mountaineer and climbing instructor at NOLS since 1996. He also works as a recruiter for NOLS by traveling the country and presenting slide shows. He is a professional photographer, and some of his photos have appeared in Climbing Magazine , Rock and Ice Magazine , The American Alpine Journal , National Geographic and The Patagonia Catalog .

NOLS is one of the leading sources and teachers of wilderness skills and leadership in the United States. NOLS courses are designed to help people develop and practice the skills they need to live, travel and play safely in the outdoors.

For more information about Anderson's presentation, contact the SUNY Plattsburgh Adirondack Experience Program Office at 518-564-5292.

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