'Not Yet Silent Spring Film Series' Introduces Climate Change Documentaries
SUNY Plattsburgh’s departments of sociology, history and the Center for Earth and Environmental Science are teaming with several community organizations to air documentaries on climate change, “Not Yet Silent Spring Film Series.”
“This Changes Everything,” a film that explores what is at stake with a changing climate and what needs to be done, will be shown Thursday, March 31 at 6 p.m. in Room 202, Yokum Lecture Hall, and again on Sunday, April 3 at 2 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 4 Palmer St., Plattsburgh.
“Divest!,” which chronicles 350.org’s tour across the United States in 2012 as it launched the fossil fuel divestment campaign, will be shown Thursday, April 21 at 6 p.m. in Room 202, Yokum Lecture Hall, and again Sunday, May 1 at 2 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.
“The film series is an exciting result of the collaboration among many local groups with an interest in social and environmental change,” said Dr. Lauren Eastwood, professor in sociology and event co-organizer. “Recognizing that we’re at a crucial time in history, we are interested in instigating conversation and raising awareness in our community.”
Tim Palmer of co-sponsor Citizens’ Climate Lobby agreed, saying that “in spite of the urgency, there is a strange stillness when it comes to climate change.”
The first film in the series, “Merchants of Doubt,” was shown Feb. 25 and March 6.
The series is co-sponsored by Citizen’s Climate Lobby, League of Women Voters of the North Country, People for Positive Action, 350 Plattsburgh, the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Plattsburgh and SUNY Plattsburgh’s Department of Sociology, Department of History and the Center for Earth and Environmental Science.