Northcountry Planetarium Schedules Public Shows
PLATTSBURGH, NY __ The Northcountry Planetarium, located in Hudson Hall at Plattsburgh State University of New York, has scheduled six public shows for the Spring 2004 semester.
The Northcountry Planetarium is located in Hudson Hall at the intersection of Broad and Beekman Streets. Tickets for all shows are available during the week of the show at the Angell College Center Information Desk. Tickets are $2 per person.
Special interest groups, clubs or school programs are available, but must be scheduled
by appointment. For more information please call 518-564-3168.
Friday, Feb. 13 (7 & 8:30 p.m.) Late Winter Ephemeris 2004
This month as we near the end of the winter season, we find four bright planets share
an evening sky with Orion and the bright stars of winter. This show will provide an
introduction to the coming sky events with a special look at the easy to find planets
of evening.
Friday, Feb. 27 (7 & 8:30 p.m.) Explorers of Mauna Kea
Hundreds of years before Europeans set eyes on the Hawaiian Islands, the native Polynesians
explored the vast Pacific Ocean. Today the multi-cultural peoples of Hawaii are again
exploring a vast frontier - space. Join both these past & present explorers at Mauna
Kea in Hawaii as they set sail.
Friday, March 26 (7 & 8:30 p.m.) Martian Mystique
Mars has been the subject of speculation and study from early times. Regarded as a
representation of the god of war by the Romans, it became thought of as the abode
of extraterrestrial intelligent life in the 19th century. Today we again look to Mars
using modern spacecraft. We search its surface to learn its history and possibly determine
whether life ever existed on the fourth planet from the Sun.
Friday, April 9 (4 & 6 p.m.) Springtime Ephemeris 2004
By now the bright stars of winter are low in the west at sunset. Venus and Mars approach
each other in the western sky as Jupiter and Saturn ride high in the early evening.
The Spring constellations fill the eastern sky and bring with them the promise of
the warmer season ahead. Tonight we will watch the slow transition of the seasons
in the sky and look for the celestial events of spring.
Friday, April 23 (7 & 8:30 p.m.) In Search of Intelligence
Friday, May 7 (7 & 8:30 p.m.) In Search of Intelligence
Is there anyone else out there? Are we the only intelligent beings in this vast Universe?
If other intelligent beings exist, how might we go about finding them? Is it possible
that they have already found us? This show examines these and other questions in search
of intelligence.
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