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Next Three Science Talks Scheduled on Tap at 30 City Hall Place

Science@30City will host three more public science talks featuring SUNY Plattsburgh science faculty.

Sessions are held at 30 City Hall Place, are free and open to the public and run the gamut of topics. Most sessions are on the first and third Monday of the month. All begin at 5:30 p.m. The next three sessions this semester are:

“Magnets of the Future” with Dr. Ken Podolak, associate professor of physics, Monday, Nov. 7

“Growing Food, Farms and Community: The State of Sustainable Farming in the Adirondacks,” with Dr. Curt Gervich, associate professor in the Center for Earth and Environmental Science, and Essex Farm Institute members Kristen Kimball and Racey Billingham, Monday, Nov. 21

“Ancient Maya Bones Meet 21st Century Technology,” with Dr. Nancy Elwess, distinguished teaching professor of biology, Monday, Dec. 5.

For more information, contact Dr. Joel Parker, associate professor of biology, at 518-564-5279 or [email protected]

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