Fall Choral Concert Friday, Nov. 7
PLATTSBURGH, NY __ The Plattsburgh State University of New York Music Department invites everyone to the annual Fall Choral Concert Friday, Nov. 7 at 8 p.m. in the E. Glenn Giltz Auditorium, Hawkins Hall. Admission to the concert is free.
This year's Fall Choral Concert offers a wide variety of music for your enjoyment. Under the direction of William Verity, adjunct lecturer in music, and Jo Ellen Miano, associate professor and chair of music, respectively, the College Chorale and the Cardinal Singers will perform music by composers like George Gershwin, John Bennett, Thomas "Fats" Waller and Brian Tate.
In addition, don't miss a Billy Joel hit performed by the Plattsburgh State student-directed a cappella group, Minor Adjustments.
For more information, contact the Music Department at 518-564-2180.
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