College Presents Calendar of Events Through Early October
PLATTSBURGH, N.Y. (Aug. 22, 2008) - The State University of New York College at Plattsburgh is pleased to present a calendar of events through early October. This calendar contains a sampling of arts, workshops, talks and other events at the college.
For more information, visit the college's Web site at or contact Michelle Ouellette, associate director of public relations and publications, at 518-564-3095 or [email protected].
Friday, Aug. 29
"A Night-Watchman's Journey: My Life and Hard Times as a Searcher of Comets," by David Levy, Parade Magazine Science Editor, 3 p.m. Krinovitz Recital Hall, Hawkins Hall on the SUNY Plattsburgh campus. Co-discoverer of Shoemaker Levy 9 Comet and discoverer of 21 other comets, Levy will talk about his life as an astronomer. Free and open to the public. Reception and book signing to follow.
Tuesday, Sept. 2
Partners In Cross Cultural Learning Information Meeting, 12:30 - 1:15 p.m. Amnesty Room, Angell College Center on the SUNY Plattsburgh campus. This is an opportunity to learn about a program that will help community residents develop friendships with new international students at SUNY Plattsburgh through casual social gatherings. Campus and community members welcome. For information contact Michelle R. St. Onge, [email protected] or 518-564-3270. Or visit the program's Web site at
Thursday, Sept. 4
"Gender, Culture and Politics in Spain and the Basque Country: Women's Studies Study Abroad Report Back" 12:30-1:30 p.m. Cardinal Lounge, Angell College Center on the SUNY Plattsburgh campus. Women's Studies students and faculty discuss their experiences abroad this past summer. Students will share written reflections, photos and various artificats. Free and open to the public. For more information, contact Dr. Simona Sharoni, 518-564-3026, [email protected].
"Making Your Mark: Leadership Principles to Meet the Challenge," 8 p.m. Warren Ballrooms, Angell College Center on the SUNY Plattsburgh campus. In this high-energy, humorous and interactive keynote, Ed Gerety will directly address the issues that students face in college, including personal responsibility, respect, drugs and alcohol, scholarship, balance, leadership, getting involved and making a difference. Gerety is a speaker and leadership trainer who combines his personal experiences, real life examples and humor to teach the principles and skills that are essential to being a leader. Free. For more information contact Allison Swick-Duttine, 518-564-4825, [email protected].
Tuesday, Sept. 9
Comedian Shawn Cornelius, 8 p.m. Warren Ballrooms, Angell College Center on the SUNY Plattsburgh campus. Sponsored by the Student Association's Activities Coordination Board. For information contact the Center for Student Involvement at 518-564-3200.
Wednesday, Sept. 10
Holistic Treatment of Autism and Other Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 7 p.m. Krinovitz Recital Hall in Hawkins Hall on the SUNY Plattsburgh campus. Judith Bluestone, the founder of the Holistic Approach to NeuroDevelopment and Learning Efficiency Institute, will discuss evaluation and non-drug treatment of disorders like autism, attention deficit disorder, dyslexia and Tourette's syndrome. Free and open to the public.
Coffee House, 9 p.m. Sundowner, Angell College Center on the SUNY Plattsburgh campus. Sponsored by the Student Association's Activities Coordination Board. For more information, contact the Center for Student Involvement at 518-564-3200.
Friday, Sept. 12
"Love Letters" written by A.R. Gurney, 7:30 p.m. Hartman Theatre, Myers Fine Arts Building on the SUNY Plattsburgh campus. Directed by Derrick A. Hopkins and presented by Dr. Timothy Palkovic with guest actor Leslie (Hearn) Simons. A smash hit both on and off Broadway, "Love Letters" traces the lifelong correspondence between the dutiful lawyer Andrew Makepeace Ladd III and the free-spirited artist Melissa Gardner. Through their letters the story of their bittersweet relationship gradually unfolds - from what is written and what is left unsaid. Tickets are $5 for general admission; $4 for seniors citizens, students and SUNY Plattsburgh faculty and staff; and $2 for SUNY Plattsburgh students. Tickets may be purchased at the door or at the Angell College Center desk. For information, contact 518-564-2284 or [email protected].
Wednesday, Sept. 17
"What's Your Point Honey?" 6 - 8 p.m., Krinovitz Recital Hall, Hawkins Hall. A screening of an award-winning film on women and politics, followed by a discussion on gender, race and the presidential elections with faculty member and Librarian Patty Bentley, a delegate to the Democratic National Convention. Free and open to the public. For more information. contact Dr. Simona Sharoni, 518-564-3026, [email protected].
Thursday, Sept. 18
Women's Studies Fall Reception, 12:30-1:15 p.m. Alumni Conference Room, Angell College Center on the SUNY Plattsburgh campus.
Saturday, Sept. 20
Family Weekend Pancake Breakfast, 8 - 11 a.m. Newman Center, 92 Broad Street. Families and students are invited to a pancake breakfast coordinated by the Inter-Sorority Association. This is an ideal way to see our fraternal organizations in action, meet many of the members and ask questions. Although the event is free, any monetary donations will be contributed to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, a cause adopted by the entire SUNY Plattsburgh fraternity and sorority community. For more information, contact Allison Swick-Duttine, 518-564-4825, [email protected].
Monday, Sept. 22
Poetry Reading by Gerry LaFemina, 8 p.m., Commons, Champlain Valley Hall, SUNY Plattsburgh. LeFemina is the author of several chapbooks, four full-length collections of poetry, a collection of prose poems and numerous published stories, essays and poems.
Tuesday, Sept. 23
Pendragon Theatre's "Welcome Home, Jenny Sutter" by Julie Marie Myatt, 7:30 p.m. Hartman Theatre, Myers Fine Arts Building on the SUNY Plattsburgh campus. Directed by Anita Montgomery. A winner of the Kennedy Center Fund for New American Theatre, "Welcome Home, Jenny Sutter" premiered in February at The Oregon Shakespeare Festival. Upon her return from an exhausting tour of duty in Iraq, a wounded Jenny ends up in Slab City, a California desert community of displaced misfits. Her search for what she has lost and what lies ahead is filled with humor, compassion and hope. This play contains strong language and mature themes. Tickets are $10 for general admission; $8 for senior citizens, students and SUNY Plattsburgh faculty and staff; and $2 for SUNY Plattsburgh students. Tickets available at the door only. For more information, contact 518-564-2284 or [email protected].
National Hazing Prevention Week Candlelight Vigil, 8:30 p.m. outside of Hood Hall on the SUNY Plattsburgh campus. Join students, faculty and staff during this annual vigil in remembrance of victims of violence. For more information, contact Allison Swick-Duttine, 518-564-4825, [email protected].
Wednesday Sept. 24
Coffee House, 9 p.m. Sundowner, Angell College Center on the SUNY Plattsburgh campus.
Sponsored by the Student Association's Activities Coordination Board. For information
contact the Center for Student Involvement at 518-564-3200.
Thursday, Sept. 25
"Instruments of Peace: The Role of Gender and Race in Conflict Transformation," 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Alumni Conference Room, Angell College Center. The 5th Annual Peace and Social Justice conference, initiated and directed by Dr. Marilyn Nelson, associate professor of childhood education; co-sponsored by the Women's Studies Department. Free and open to the public. For more information, contact Dr. Simona Sharoni, 518-564-3026, [email protected].
Visual Artists Series: Eliza Garrison, art historian. 7:30 p.m. Cardinal Lounge, Angell College Center on the SUNY Plattsburgh campus. Garrison's areas of interest are the history of medieval art and architecture and the history of the northern Renaissance and 17th century art. An assistant professor at Middlebury College, Garrison's general research interests include the history of portraiture and political representation, along with the historiography of art history. Her talk is free and open to the public.
"Turning Away from Hate," 8 p.m. Warren Ballrooms, Angell College Center on the SUNY Plattsburgh campus. After 15 years as a neo-Nazi white supremacist, activist and recruiter, Tom "TJ" Leyden experienced a profound change of heart, turned away from hate and began teaching tolerance. The audience will learn how a man who covered his body in Nazi symbols, advocated for the death of Jews and recruited teenagers into the hate movement became one of the nation's most compelling advocates for the importance of diversity and cultural appreciation. They will hear the story of how this ex-Marine had a change of heart, became an educator and began speaking at more than 100 high schools, to various military groups including the Pentagon, at Hate Crimes Summits and to the FBI. Sponsored by the Center for Fraternity/Sorority Life as part of National Hazing Prevention Week. Free. For information contact Allison Swick-Duttine, 518-564-4825, [email protected].
Saturday, Sept. 27
Senior Recital: Eric Reeves, percussion, 7:30 p.m. Krinovitz Recital Hall, Hawkins Hall. Free and open to the public For more information, contact 518-564-2284 or [email protected].
Kid's Night Out, 5 - 9 p.m., Memorial Hall. Children ages 6 - 13 take part in sports,
games, swimming, movies and arts and crafts. The cost is $10 per child with a special
family rate of $7 for each additional family member. For information, contact SUNY
Plattsburgh Women's Basketball Coach Cheryl Cole at 518-564-4147.
Wednesday, Oct. 1
Comedian Eric Andre, 8 p.m. Warren Ballrooms, Angell College Center on the SUNY Plattsburgh campus. Sponsored by the Student Association's Activities Coordination Board. For information, contact the Center for Student Involvement at 518-564-3200.
Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 3 - 4
Guitar Festival, Dr. William Pfaff, director, with Michael Angelo Fratino, and guest artists Ted Mann and Dr. Whitman Brown. All events are free and open to the public. For information, contact 518-564-2283 or [email protected].
- Classical Guitar Recital, Oct. 3, 4 p.m. Krinovitz Recital Hall, Hawkins Hall.
- Guitar Masterclass: Composing and Improvising, Oct. 4, 11 a.m. Room 300, Myers Fine Arts Building.
- Guitar Festival Concert, Oct. 4, 7:30 p.m. E. Glenn Giltz Auditorium, Hawkins Hall.
Nina Winkel Revisited Exhibit, through Oct. 5, Burke Gallery, Myers Fine Arts Building on the SUNY Plattsburgh campus. Works from the Nina Winkel Sculpture Garden are on display in the gallery. Museum hours are daily from noon to 4 p.m. Closed on legal holidays. Tours are available by appointment. For further information, phone 518-564-2474 or visit the Web site at
Study Abroad Information Sessions: Attendees will learn where SUNY Plattsburgh's Study Abroad program can take them and how to apply.
- Thursday, Sept. 4, noon - 1 p.m. Meeting Room 8, Angell College Center.
- Monday, Sept. 8, 4 - 5 p.m., Meeting Room 8, Angell College Center.
- Thursday, Sept. 11, noon - 1 p.m. Meeting Room 8, Angell College Center.
- Tuesday, Sept. 16, 4 - 5 p.m., Meeting Room 8, Angell College Center.
- Thursday, Sept. 18, noon - 1 p.m. Meeting Room 8, Angell College Center.

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