CANADA: Our friendly neighbor to the north
Learn about Canada through experience.
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- Center for the Study of Canada
Center for the Study of Canada
The Center for the Study of Canada at SUNY Plattsburgh, established in 1975, is dedicated to promoting and providing comprehensive scholarly professional development programs on Canada to academic, government and business constituents in the United States.
Recognized as a Title VI National Resource Center by the U.S. Department of Education since 1983, the center is at the forefront of innovative Canadian-focused curricula, research, and program initiatives. The center is home to a robust offering of programs and resources dedicated to the study of Canada.
Did You Know?
- Canada is the second largest country in the world but has the smallest economy among the most advanced countries in the world.
- Canada has French and English as its national languages.
- Canada, not Japan or China, is the largest single trading partner of the United States with $500 billion worth of annual trade between them.
- The U.S. is the single largest investor with many U.S. multinational corporations doing business in Canada. Canada is the fourth largest investor in the United States.
- The term “global village” was first coined some 40 years back by Marshall McLuhan, a Canadian.
- Canada calls its “native Canadians” the “First Nations."
- Canada — not the Middle East — is the largest supplier of energy to the United States.
If these points come as a little surprise to you, we encourage you to learn more about Canada, our friendly neighbor to the north.
Programs & Resources
Québec Winter Symposium
- Québec Winter Symposium
From its inception in 1988, the annual Québec Winter Symposium has provided a unique professional development opportunity for professors from across the United States interested in Québec Studies. The symposium, conducted entirely in French, is a concentrated workshop focusing on a specific Québec-based topic or theme.
- Québec Summer Seminar
The Québec Summer Seminar is the flagship program in the United States for professors of Québec studies seeking a deeper appreciation of contemporary Québec. The QSS, a multi-day experience convened in the province of Québec, is purposely designed to offer participants a holistic approach to the study of Québec that incorporates historical, cultural, social, economic, commercial and political perspectives.
Outreach Programs
- Project CONNECT
Welcome to CONNECT, a comprehensive project focused on the identification, recruitment, orientation and mentoring of new Canadianists for American higher education.
This joint program of the Government of Canada and the Center for the Study of Canada is designed to promote the growth, development and institutionalization of Canadian Studies in the United States.
CONNECT is jointly sponsored by the Government of Canada and the Center for the Study of Canada, SUNY Plattsburgh.
Program Focus
- Identification of new and potential American Canadianists;
- recruitment of new American Canadianists for national (Association for Canadian Studies in the United States — ACSUS), regional, and international, (International Council for Canadian Studies — ICCS) associations;
- orientation to the discipline and network of Canadian studies in the United States and beyond; and
- mentoring, on an individually tailored basis, for new American Canadianists.
Target Audience
CONNECT identifies prospective new American Canadianists, concentrating on advanced graduate students, new Ph.D.s and faculty members who have recently entered the profession.
Recruitment Efforts
CONNECT conducts an annual survey to identify prospective Canadianists, focusing on teaching and research interests, past and present professional development opportunities, scholarship, record of grantsmanship, institutional affiliations, and disciplinary and multidisciplinary conference preferences. This data is utilized to create a detailed profile of each new American Canadianist.
The completed profile is provided to the Academic Relations Officer of the Canadian Embassy in Washington and the applicable Canadian Consulate, the Association for Canadian Studies in the United States, the applicable regional Canadian Studies association, the International Council for Canadian Studies, and where appropriate, the American Council for Québec Studies.
Orientation Focus
New American Canadianists participate in an annual week-long CONNECT training seminar, jointly conducted by the University of Vermont and SUNY Plattsburgh. The seminar, convened in Ottawa, provides participants with a thorough policy grounding in the political, economic and social realities of contemporary Canada.
The CONNECT seminar is also designed to introduce and to engage participants with leading representatives from Canadian Studies associations (ACSUS, U.S. regional associations and the ICCS), foundations (the Canada–U.S. Fulbright Foundation, the Woodrow Wilson Institute) and government (the Academic Relations Division at the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade) for the purpose of familiarizing new American Canadianists with current curriculum, scholarly and professional opportunities.
A Mentoring program
The CONNECT mentoring program for new American Canadianists is implemented by the University of Vermont and SUNY Plattsburgh. This mentoring system is distinguished by a proactive, supportive and sustained approach.
All new American Canadianists are placed on an individualized mentoring track. Participants in the mentoring program are contacted and provided with materials specifically suited to their academic background, scholarly interests, and professional development. Through this tailored approach, new Canadianists receive regular updates of scholarly developments in their respective Canadian studies discipline, as well as announcements of appropriate grant opportunities, seminars, symposiums and colloquiums.
CONNECT also works with new Canadianists to facilitate networking with the executive council of ACSUS and the respective U.S. regional Canadian Studies association (based on the geographic location of the individual), with key academics in their respective discipline, in the United States and Canada, and with academic relations and public affairs officers at the Canadian Embassy and applicable Consulate. This mentoring process identifies individuals as they progress in their career, who are qualified and willing to make important service contributions to Canadian studies associations in the U.S.
- Distinguished Canadian Address
The Distinguished Canadian Address recognizes select individuals who have made a profoundly positive contribution to Canadian public life. This initiative provides a forum that showcases professors, business leaders, and government officials who offer public lectures on a wide range of Canadian and Canada-U.S. issues. The highlight of this special event is a public address and may also feature a press conference, reception and President’s Dinner. Keynote presentations are accompanied by question and answer periods.
Past Distinguished Speakers
February 2018: Dr. Kim Richard Nossal, Professor, Centre for International and Defence Policy, Queen’s University, delivered the Distinguished Canadian Address, “The Trump Challenge: A New Era in Canadian-American Relations”
March 2017: Ms. Phyllis Yaffe presented “Shared Border, Shared Values: the U.S.-Canada Relationship in the 21st Century.”
October 2016: At the 50th Anniversary Gala Celebration of Canadian Studies and the Center for the Study of Canada, Dr. Michael Hawes, CEO, Fulbright Canada delivered the Distinguished Canadian Address, "Geography, History, Economics and Security: Celebrating 50 Years of Shared Experiences."
March 2015: Mr. John F. Prato, Consul General of Canada in New York presented “Canada and the United States — Partners in Energy, Security, and Trade.”
November 2012: Dr. Michael Hawes, CEO, Fulbright Canada delivered the Address, “Economics, Politics, Pipelines and the Election: Canada-U.S. Relations in an Increasingly Complex World”
November 2011: Mr. John Murray, Deputy Governor, Bank of Canada, presented "Canada’s Post-Crisis Performance and Future Challenges"
January 2008: The Honorable Michael Wilson, Canadian Ambassador to the United States, discussed “Canada and the United States: Partners in Economic Prosperity and North American Security”
February 2006: The Honorable David H. Wilkins, United States Ambassador to Canada, presented on the importance of Canada-U.S. relations
October 2005: John Dieker, General Manager of Bombardier Transportation in Plattsburgh, addressed the topic of “World Leader Present, Right Here in Plattsburgh”
April 2004: The Right Honorable Beverley McLachlin, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, focused on the comparative legal approaches and protections of human rights in Canada and the United States
March 2003: The Honorable Michael Kergin, Ambassador of Canada to the United States, presented on “Canada-U.S. Relations: Homeland Security, Economic Security, International Security.”
Sponsors & Supporters
We are most grateful to The Development Corporation for sponsoring this series. The North Country Chamber of Commerce is also an excellent partner is achieving excellence in our Distinguished Address Series.
- Canada Speaker Series
This initiative provides a forum that showcases scholarly professors, business leaders, and government officials who offer public and classroom lectures on a wide range of Canadian and Canada–U.S. issues. Presentations are accompanied by question and answer periods and informal receptions.
Recent Past Speakers
- A.J.B. (John) Johnston, Canadian Historian
- Paul Maréchal, Curator, Power Corporation of Canada, Montreal
- Dr. Shree Mulay, former Director of the McGill Centre for Research and Teaching on Women and Professor at McGill University’s Department of Medicine
- Dr. Michael Hawes, Executive Director, Canada-U.S. Fulbright Program
- Dr. Antonia Maioni, Director, McGill Institute for the Study of Canada
- Mr. Dwight Mason, Senior Research Associate, Center for Strategic and International Studies
Faculty members at SUNY Plattsburgh interested in having topics addressed by a well-regarded speaker to present a Canadian perspective are invited to request collaborative financial support from the Center for the Study of Canada.
- Publications for K–12, College, University, Government, Business & Media
The Center for the Study of Canada publishes a wide variety of Canadian studies scholarly publications including textbooks, monographs and comprehensive bibliographies.
Publications can be purchased by contacting the center with an order request and accompanying payment. Please note that payment must be in U.S. dollars and can be made by personal or certified check, bank draft or by MasterCard, Visa or Discover.
Should you choose to make payment by credit card, please provide the following information with your order: your credit card number, the expiration date of the card, your name as it appears on the credit card, and your signature. Please note that all prices listed for individual items include ground shipping. For express shipping, please contact the center for current rates.
Teaching Canada
Teaching Canada is the leading annual Canadian studies outreach publication for the U.S. This innovative magazine format publication, dedicated to a comprehensive review of contemporary Canadian and Canada–U.S. issues, features articles by leading government officials, scholars, teachers and outreach coordinators. Teaching Canada is an indispensable source for K–12 administrators, faculty and students alike.
Price — $10.00 per copy.
O Canada
O Canada is the premier textbook available for K–12 educators and students in the United States. Now in its 2nd edition, O Canada takes a comprehensive approach to the study of Canada. Chapters focus on a wide range of topics. Richly illustrated, O Canada is written and designed by George Sherman.
Price — $35.00 per copy. Bulk discounts available.
Introducing Canada
This 11 chapter volume, produced in 1997 by the National Council for the Social Studies in association with the National Consortium for Teaching Canada, provides a rich overview of Canada for the K–12 classroom. Contributions include history, politics, geography, culture, and economics. This volume also includes instructional activities, resources and strategies for K–12 educators interested in Canada.
Price — $15.00 per copy
Focus Canada Series
This series, a collection of occasional monographs about Canada, contains the following volumes:
(1) Reflections from the Past: perspectives on Canada and on the Canada–U.S. relationship;
(2) The Canada–U.S. Economic Relationship: global and regional dimensions;
(3) Peter Black, Canada Matters: Chronicles of a Northern Neighbour; and,
(4) Hiroshi Itoh, editor, Canada’s Asian Connection.
Price — Volumes 1–4, $7.50 per volume or purchase the set for $20.00.
Women Writing in Quebec
This volume, produced in 2000, focuses on women writing in Québec. Dedicated to the memory of Jeanne Kissner — who served as associate director at our center for nearly twenty years and made pronounced, heartfelt professional and personal contributions to the vitality of Canadian studies — this work contains a wide variety of essays focused on such writers as Anne Hebert, Gabrielle Roy, Nicole Brossard and others.
Special Discounted price — $10.00 per copy. Bulk discounts available.
The Geography of Canada Bibliography Series
This series, authored by acclaimed SUNY Plattsburgh professor Tom Rumney, is the benchmark reference work for all educators interested in the complete scholarship produced on the geography of Canada. Each comprehensive volume is accompanied by maps and resource materials. Six volumes are available for purchase: volume 1 — Quebec; volume 2 — The Prairies; volume 3 — Atlantic Canada; volume 4 — Ontario; volume 5 — British Columbia; and, volume 6 — The North.
Price — Volumes 1–6, $25.00 per volume or purchase the set for $110.00.
Canadian Children’s Literature Selected Bibliography
The leading bibliography available on Canadian children’s literature, this volume produced by Emily Castine, captures the richness of children’s literature written by Canadian authors about Canada and young Canadians. An ideal resource for teachers, students and librarians.
Price — $15.00 per copy.
K–12 Outreach Programs
- The Canada Valise
The Canada Valise is a loan kit for K—12 teachers filled with fascinating learning materials to assist in presenting Canada as part of the curriculum. Valise means suitcase in French. The Canada Valise is an amazing resource with supplies for teachers and students alike. The Valise contains not only a variety of Canadian artifacts but a large notebook full of lessons and activities, which teachers may copy and use, or adjust to meet the particular needs of their curriculum.
Resources for teachers to address some of the following sample topics are found in the valise:
- Fur trade
- Canadian geography and ecology
- Peoples of Canada: Aboriginals, French Canadians, English Canadians, and Immigrants
- Canadian history
- Culture of Canada
- Canadian art: the Group of Seven, First Nations and Arctic Artists
- Industrialization
- Klondike gold
- Symbols of Canada
Some showcase objects contained in the valise include:
- Beaver pelt
- Hudson Bay blanket coat
- RCMP red surge jacket and arm patch
- Flags: Canadian national flag, Hudson Bay Company flag, and tabletop flags of each province and territory
- As well as license plates, Province cookie cutters, model rail cars, Canadian coins
Reserve the Canada Valise for Use in Your School
Teachers may borrow the valise for free, paying only the cost of transportation to the next school on the reservation list. The valise is housed at the Canadian–American Center, University of Maine.
The Center for the Study of Canada at SUNY Plattsburgh works in collaboration with the Canadian–American Center at the University of Maine to provide professional development opportunities and teaching resources to K–12 teachers who incorporate Canadian content into the classrooms.
For scheduling information, please visit University of Maine Teaching Canada program
- New York State K–12 School Programs
The center is at the forefront of providing comprehensive initiatives that target the K–12 audience throughout the U.S.A. with an emphasis on current curriculum materials and publications that enhance greater awareness of Canada, especially in social studies and French language classrooms.
Center representatives regularly promote Canadian studies outreach education to K–12 teachers, curriculum coordinators, administrators, and students in New York state and beyond. Services provided by the center to this constituency include:
- In-service and pre-service teacher workshops
- Student programs including guest speaker classroom visits
- Seminar and conference outreach exhibits and presentations
- Numerous print and electronic resources
To invite a center representative, accompanied by a wide range of K–12 classroom curriculum materials, to your district for any of the above mentioned learning opportunities, please contact: Amy Sotherden, Assistant Director, tel: 518-564-2385 or email: [email protected]
The center continues to offer our gratitude and support to Mr. Les Buell, a retired teacher knowledgeable, energetic and passionate about Canada, who is available in the western region of New York State to promote our outreach activities such as teacher workshops, student programs and Superintendent’s conference day programs on Canada. Email Les directly at: [email protected]
- North Country K–12 School Programs
Outreach to the local K–12 community is a priority for the Center for the Study of Canada, and a number of curriculum materials and publications, such as O Canada and Teaching Canada have been developed to enhance greater awareness and knowledge of Canada throughout our North Country region. In particular, the Teaching Canada magazine published by the center is the premier Canadian K–12 current resource guide for the study of Canada.
Dr. Christopher Kirkey, Center Director, and Ms. Amy Sotherden, Assistant Director with focus on K–12 programs, are delighted to offer presentations and professional development workshops on a variety of Canadian topics for both teacher and student audiences. School districts in Northern New York State are invited to contact us to secure an appointment for us to visit your school soon! An assortment of presentation and training topics are available for discussion.
The center provides timely and informative classroom materials, for use by teachers and students alike. We look forward to working with North Country school boards, individual schools, superintendents, principals, and students on Canada focused K–12 curriculum instruction, delivery and materials. We welcome the opportunity to bring Canada to your classroom!
Partnership with North Country Teacher Resource Center
A partnership with the North Country Teacher Resource Center in Plattsburgh is being fostered to provide professional development workshops for in-service and pre-service teachers from across Northern New York State as means to increase Canadian content in local classrooms.
We expect to offer a series of outreach programs on other timely and important topics designed for area K–12 educators interested to heighten an understanding of Canada in their classrooms. The purpose of these initiatives is to increase awareness of Canadian Studies materials and resources to facilitate the direct incorporation of Canadian content, consistent with New York State curriculum framework guidelines, into school curriculum and instruction.
Affiliations & Resources
- Canadian Studies Affiliations
Institute on Québec Studies
Launched in February 2004, the Institute on Québec Studies offers the most comprehensive curriculum, research and program activities focused on Québec to be found in the United States. Learn more about the Institute on Québec Studies
American Council for Québec Studies
The American Council for Québec Studies is a multi-disciplinary academic organization promoting the study of Québec that holds a biennial conference at a location alternating between the USA and Québec. The November 2010 conference will be held in Burlington, VT. Québec studies is a refereed academic journal published by the American Council for Québec Studies which publishes articles dealing with all aspects of Québec society and French-Canadian culture. For further information on the ACQS, please see
Association for Canadian Studies in the United States
The national academic organization, focused on Canada in the U.S., the Association for Canadian Studies in the United States (ACSUS) is headquartered in Washington, D.C. ACSUS issues an electronic newsletter, organizes a biennial conference, and produces The American Review of Canadian Studies. For further information on ACSUS, please see
Mid Atlantic and New England Council on Canadian Studies
The most dynamic and well represented regional Canadian studies association in the United States, Mid Atlantic and New England Council on Canadian Studies produces a newsletter, organizes and implements a biennial conference (the next conference will be held in Harrisburg, Penn. from October 6-10, 2004) and disseminates Canadian studies resource information throughout the U.S. For further information on MANECCS, please see
Canada–U.S. Fulbright Program
The mandate of the Canada–U.S. Fulbright Program is to enhance mutual understanding between the people of Canada and the people of the United States of America by providing support to outstanding graduate students, faculty, professionals and independent researchers. These individuals conduct research, lecture, or enroll in formal academic programs in the other country. A variety of awards are administered by this program including Traditional Fulbright Scholar Awards, Canada-U.S. Fulbright Visiting Research Chairs, among many others. For more information, see
- Canada–U.S. Business Council
The Canada–U.S. Business Council, comprised of center staff, SUNY Plattsburgh administration and faculty, local business, government and media officials, sponsors a variety of public addresses focused on topical Canadian and Canada–U.S. business issues.
- Resources
Canadian Studies Centers
Canadian studies is a well established area of study at many academic institutions in the United States. In many cases, Canadian studies programs are supported by centers or institutes that offer a wide variety of curriculum, research and program activities. The following links will take you to several of the most prominent examples:
- The University of Maine, Canadian-American Center
- The University of Washington, Canadian Studies Center
- Western Washington University, Center for Canadian-American Studies
- Michigan State University, Canadian Studies Center
Canadian Studies Associations
Regional, national and international Canadian studies associations exist around the world. The following web links will take you to several of the leading associations in the United States and beyond:
- The Association for Canadian Studies in the United States
- The Mid-Atlantic and New England Council on Canadian Studies
- The Pacific Northwest Canadian Studies Consortium
- The Midwest Association for Canadian Studies
- Western Canadian Studies Association
- Southern Association for Canadian Studies
- International Council for Canadian Studies
Canadian Studies Government Sites
There exist numerous web sites outlining the structure and function of the Government of Canada as well as important economic, social, historical and cultural facts on Canada. The following examples are very useful:
- Government of Canada
- The Canadian Embassy, Washington D.C.
- Department of Foreign Affairs, Canada-U.S. Relations
Québec Studies Associations
Working at the national and international levels, these organizations promote Québec Studies in the USA, Canada, and throughout the world:
Québec Government Sites
These sites provide information about Québec, including government news, relations and more: