Crosswalk Construction to Impact Rugar Street Traffic
The planned construction of two raised crosswalks on Rugar Street, on the SUNY Plattsburgh campus, will start Monday morning, Aug. 4, and will impact traffic flow along the east end of Rugar Street, between the Rugar/Broad Street intersection and Rugar Street at Sanborne Avenue.
Construction is expected to last two weeks.
These raised crosswalks are designed to increase both pedestrian and vehicle safety along the highly traveled part of the street that runs through the SUNY Plattsburgh campus.
Campus traffic requiring access to the south end of the campus will be diverted through the Kehoe Roadway, between Broad and Rugar streets.
All other drivers will be directed to access Rugar Street via the west side of campus, from Broad Street to Draper Avenue (or any other connecting street west of Draper Avenue.)
Questions or concerns can be directed to SUNY Plattsburgh's Maintenance and Operations department at 564-5044.
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