Scientia Discipulorum E-Journal Volumes
Volume 8 — 2017
The polymorphic ACE gene and resulting genotypes and allele frequencies within specific
Steven J. Kranes, Teal Griffin Gove, Kindsley Dodson, Ashaley Jacobson, Sandra Latourelle
(faculty) and Dr. Nancy L. Elwess (faculty)
Scientia Discipulorum 2016: 1-7
Fifteen-year Forest Structure Changes in a Sandstone Pavement Barren
Thomas F. DellaRocco, Dr. Jacob N. Straub (Faculty)
Scientia Discipulorum 2016: 8-21
Presence, Habitat Use, and Prey Selection of Champlain Valley Owls, New York
Gabriella Douda, Erin Mosemana, Jacob Straub (Faculty), and Danielle Garneaua (Faculty)
Scientia Discipulorum 2016: 22-42
The Genetic Analysis of High Risk Athletes for the Presence of the DRD4 7 Variable
Tandem Repeat
Dorian Yablin, Dr. Nancy L. Elwess (Faculty)
Scientia Discipulorum 2016: 43-50
Volume 7 — 2014
Timing of Peak Acorn Yield in Northern Red Oaks at Flat Rock Forest in Relation to Small Mammals
Janet Ellsworth, Marc Peterson, Dr. Jacob Straub (faculty), and Dr. Danielle Garneau
Scientia Discipulorum 2014:1-10
Volume 6 — 2013
A revised key to the Zooplankton of Lake Champlain
Mark LaMay, Erin Hayes-Pontius, Ian Ater, Timothy B. Mihuc (faculty)
Scientia Discipulorum 2013: 1-41.
Rory P. Carroll and Danielle Garneau (faculty)
Scientia Discipulorum 2013: 42-55.
Frequency of missing legs in the cave cricket, Hadenoecus subterraneus
Mohammed Chandoo, Elizabeth Lavoie, Utsav Pandey, and Suganthi Thirunavukarasu
Kathleen H. Lavoie (faculty), Thomas Wolosz (faculty), and Kurt Helf (faculty)
Scientia Discipulorum 2013: 56-61.
Near shore Fish Community Analysis On Northwestern Lake Champlain
Alejandro Reyes, Caleb Smith, George Maynard, Eric Snavely, and Danielle Garneau (faculty)
Scientia Discipulorum 2013: 62-76.
Volume 5 — 2011
A survey of northern white-cedar limestone woodlands at Point au Roche State Park, New York
Timothy M. Shearman and Kenneth B. Adams (faculty).
Scientia discipulorum 2011:1-12
Group Environments and Visuospatial Attention in Patients with TBI
Michael Freedberg, Joseph Lynch III and Jeanne P. Ryan (faculty).
Scientia discipulorum 2011:12-24
Methods for Determining New Biovolumes for Copepods and Cladocerans
Casey Binggeli, Allison Waring, Timothy Mihuc (faculty).
Scientia discipulorum 2011:25-33
A New Parameterization for Ford Circles
Annmarie McGonagle.
Scientia discipulorum 2011:25-44
Perspectives of Psychosomatic Medicine:An Integration of Psychoneuroimmunology and Epigenetics
Maria E Kryza.
Scientia discipulorum 2011:45-62
Establishing Records for Drosera (sundews) in Clinton, County, New York
Lilly Schelling, Shane May and Chris Martine (faculty).
Scientia discipulorum 2011:63-77
An Ecological and Cultural Review of the Emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae): Dreamtime – Present
Rory Caroll and Chris Martine (faculty).
Scientia discipulorum 2011:77-90
Volume 4 — 2009
Long-term Impact of an Ice Storm and Restoration Cutting in a Rare Pine Barren
Joseph Ceradini, Caitlin Dame, Brian Glidden, Daniel Hays, Carolyn Livensperger, Robert
Schiesser and Kenneth Adams (faculty).
Scientia discipulorum 2009:1-20
Iraq, Times Two: A Comprehensive Counterinsurgency Strategy for Afghanistan
Daniel R. DePetris.
Scientia discipulorum 2009:21-34
The Impact of Meditative Practices on Physiology and Neurology: A Review of the Literature
Christopher Dooley.
Scientia discipulorum 2009:35-59
Matthew R. Sorannoa and Kenneth B. Adamsb (faculty).
Scientia discipulorum 2009:60-69
Volume 3 — 2008
Leaf Litter Quality in Adirondack Upland Streams: Managed vs. Preserve
Victoria L. Bombard, Timothy B.Mihuc (faculty), Jeffry Jones (faculty), Robert D.
Fuller (faculty) and Thomas S. Woodcock (faculty).
Scientia discipulorum 2008:1-10
Christopher Stall, Robert D. Fuller, Timothy B.Mihuc, Jeffry Jones and Thomas S. Woodcock.
Scientia discipulorum 2008:11-20
Erika Hartmann and Timothy Mihuc.
Scientia discipulorum 2008:21-27
Volume 2 — 2006
Habitat Usage by Birds at the Lake Alice Wildlife Management Area Chazy, New York
Kevyn J. Juneau and Kenneth B. Adams.
Scientia discipulorum 2006:1-10
Jessica Bulova, Thomas Woodcock and Timothy Mihuc.
Scientia discipulorum 2006:11-20
Comparisons of Four Riparian Plant Communities on the Little Chazy River, Northern New York
Becker, A. Buboltz, D. Kinicki, R. Plantrich, R. Tucker, and K. Adams.
Scientia discipulorum 2006:21-39
Michael Dieterich and Kathleen H. Lavoie.
Scientia discipulorum 2006:40-43
Volume 1 — 2004
Plant Community Succession Following Disturbances in a Pine Barren and Adjacent Hardwood Forest
Allison Krill, Collette Newell, Maggie O’Neil, Orathai Phommala, Kenneth Adams.
Scientia discipulorum 2004:1-16
Gregg Sargis and Kenneth Adams.
Scientia discipulorum 2004:17-25.
Rachel E. Ruppel, Karen E. Setty, and Meiyin Wu.
Scientia discipulorum 2004:26-37.
A Guide to the Zooplankton of Lake Champlain
Karen J. Carling, Ian M. Ater, Megan R. Pellam, Adam M. Bouchard, Timothy B. Mihuc.
Scientia discipulorum 2004:38-66.