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Regulations and Procedures Governing Disruptive Activities of Students on Campus and Maintenance of Order Policy

The college has an obligation to assure the continuity of the educational process by providing for the safety of individuals, the protection of property and the maintenance of public order.

Policy Information

Policy Number Policy Owner
8021.3 University Police


  • 4.0 Policy

    The college is committed to encourage and preserve freedom of inquiry and freedom of expression throughout the academic community. All students of the college have the right of free access to the activities of the institution without physical interference, harassment or intimidation. The college provides means for students who participate in policy making decisions and to discuss their problems directly with faculty and administration with the expectation that appropriate and expeditious actions in academic and non-academic matters may be anticipated through established democratic channels. Each student of the college is obligated to conduct himself lawfully, maturely and shares the responsibility for maintaining standards of behavior essential to the orderly conduct and continuity of the college's function as an educational institution. Students, similar to other members of the college,are free within the law to manifest protest and dissent or support and assent in a peaceful,orderly manner that does not restrain or attempt to restrain the freedom of expression,inquiry or movement of others. A student who disrupts the operation of the college or obstructs or physically interferes with the personal or property rights and/or safety of others on the campus may be ejected from the campus by the security officers of this college and charged with misconduct by the college in accordance with established due process as set forth in the handbook of college regulations. The college has an obligation to assure the continuity of the educational process by providing for the safety of individuals, the protection of property and the maintenance of public order.

    College Discipline and Civil Law

     Students are expected to abide by local, State and Federal laws. This institution will provide no sanctuary for those who violate such laws. A student tried and convicted by a civil or criminal court may also thereby be considered in breach of college discipline, but the college must prove, by means of a hearing and due process safeguards, that the student has acted in a way that adversely affects or seriously interferes with the normal educational function of the college, or that injures or endangers the welfare of any other members of the college community.


    Violations of the following regulations will subject the violator to disciplinary action by the college:

    1. A student aiding and abetting another person in violation of a College regulation will be subject to disciplinary action.

    2. The Alcohol Policy of the College is in compliance with New York State Law, which prohibits the sale or giving of any alcoholic beverage to any person under the age of 21 and which prohibits the purchase of any alcoholic beverage or possession of, with intent to consume, any alcoholic beverage by any person under the age of

        a. The sale, serving and consumption of alcohol on the Plattsburgh campus, outside the provision for legal personal consumption in residence halls, is allowed by the College exclusively through the Marriott Corporation.

        b. Alcohol events or parties are not permitted in residence halls. Only legal and personal consumption of alcohol, as defined in the Residence Hall Manual, is permitted in college residence halls.

        c. Persons under 21 years of age may not possess alcohol on the college campus or be present in residence hall areas where there is an open container of alcohol.

    3. Animals are not permitted in campus buildings.

        a. Students who allow their pets to run loose on campus or allow them to create disturbances subject them to impoundment and subject themselves to disciplinary action.

    4. Willful or careless destruction, defacement of or tampering with College property or property of others is prohibited.

    5. Any offensive or disorderly act or display which interferes with the rights of others on the College campus is prohibited.

        a. Harassment, threats, or verbal or physical abuse are prohibited.

        b. Use of physical force to resolve conflicts is prohibited.

    6. Illegal possession of, or using, dangerous drugs, as defined in the New York State Penal Law, or hallucinatory chemicals is prohibited.

        a. Attendance at a party where illegal drugs have been used constitutes a violation.

    7. Reckless or intentional acts which endanger the welfare of oneself or others is prohibited.

    8. Failure to comply with the directions of College officials acting in the performance of their official duties is prohibited.

    9. Giving false alarm of fire is prohibited. a. Tampering with fire alarm devices or fire equipment is prohibited. b. Failure to adhere to fire evacuation procedures is prohibited.

    10. Willful falsification of information on College records or to College officials is prohibited.

        a. Willfully providing false information for purposes of obtaining services is prohibited.

        b. Use of another person's I.D. card or an invalid I.D. is prohibited.

    11. It is prohibited to carry or contain guns of any kind on campus without the express written approval of the Vice President for Student Affairs.

        a. Possession or use of fireworks on the College campus is prohibited.

        b. Possession or use of dangerous chemicals, explosive materials, except as authorized in supervised academic programs, or weapons is strictly prohibited on the College campus.

    12. Students are responsible for informing their guests of College regulations and will beheld accountable for the behavior of their guests.

    13. Hazing in every form is prohibited. Hazing is considered to be interference with the personal liberty of others and includes any act of domination by some students over others which may lead to injury, emotional disturbance, physical discomfort or humiliation.

        a. Harassment by banter, ridicule or criticism or playing abusive and humiliating tricks or pranks is prohibited.

        b. Hazing which involves the forced consumption of alcohol or drugs is prohibited.

    14. Students using college library facilities are expected to know and abide by the regulations governing the library as set forth in the library brochure available in the library. Failure to abide by these regulations may result in judicial procedures.

    15. Obstruction of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary procedures or other College activities, including public service functions or other authorized activities on campus,is prohibited.

    16. Students living in College residence halls are expected to know and abide by the regulations governing residence life as set forth in the Residence Hall Manual, furnished to each student along with a housing contract. Failure to abide by these regulations may result in judicial procedures.

    17. Sexual exploitation of others is prohibited. This includes sexual activity forced on another person against his or her will, either by physical or psychological force. Sexual exploitation also includes obscene phone calls, sexual harassment, indecent exposure,courtship violence, and sexual assault.

    18. Theft of property on the College campus is prohibited.

        a. Theft of services on the College campus is prohibited.

        b. Removal of College property from common use areas is not permitted.

        c. Removal of books or other items from College facilities without following prescribed procedures is prohibited.

        d. Possession of property illegally procured is prohibited.

    19. Entering any College facility except in accordance with established regulations is prohibited.

    20. Use of the name of the College is prohibited unless specifically authorized in writing by the President of the College or his delegated representative.

    21. Students who violate the conditions of their probation are thereby in violation of College regulations.

    22. Students who violate local, state, and federal laws are thereby in violation of College Regulations.

    Disciplinary Actions

    Official disciplinary action is of four types: reprimand, social probation, suspension and dismissal. A reprimand is a written statement by the Vice President for Student Affairs censuring the student for violation of college regulations and warning him that further violation will result in more severe disciplinary action. Social probation is a status given a student for a specified period of time during which his social activities may be restricted by one or more specific directives. During the period of social probation, further violation of college regulations, after a hearing with due process safeguards, may result in immediate dismissal from the college. Suspension is an involuntary separation of the student from the college for a specified period of time or until specified conditions are met. At the termination of the suspension period, or when the specified conditions are met, readmission, through the Admissions Office, is automatic. Dismissal is an involuntary separation from the college without condition.

    A student who has been dismissed will not be considered for readmission until at least six months have elapsed. A written statement announcing and describing disciplinary action will be transmitted to the student, a copy sent to the parent, or guardian and a copy inserted in the student's personal file.

For additional information about this policy, please contact the Policy Owner listed above.

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