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Event Staffing In Places of Public Assembly Policy

Expresses the campus' commitment to staffing performing arts facilities.

Policy Information

Policy Number Policy Owner
5011.1 Events Management


  • 4.0 Policy


    To operate performing arts facilities at or above industry standards.


    To adopt as part of "official campus policy" the recommendations for event staffing.


    Our performance venues (Giltz Auditorium, Krinovitz Recital Hall and Hartman Theatre) are classified as: "Areas of Public Assembly: Theatres / Auditoriums." Among others, one condition of occupancy requires that:

    1. "house staff" be provided and,
    2. Said staff to be trained by means of a documented training program.

    To Date

    A documented training program has been created, is in place and a "House Management System" is operational. "House Staff" defined as:

    1. House Managers
    2. Ushers - All student staff. - Staff are interviewed, hired and trained for positions. - Positions are paid


    Addresses legal, aesthetic and costumer service issues.

    Current Model

    • Hartman:
      • 1 FOH (Front of House) manager
      • 4 Ushers
    •  Giltz:
      • 1 FOH manager
      • 2 Ushers
      • 4 Ushers if balcony is used*  *Must be agreed upon 2 weeks prior to performance.
    • Krinovitz:
      • 1 FOH manager
      •  1 usher



    Other SUNY schools, universities and professional houses. International Association of Auditorium Managers (IAMM), United State Institute for Theatre Technology (USITT) and specific sections of state and federal "codes."

    Concluded the following

    No definitive answer exists.  However, three consistent themes emerged pertaining to staffing.

    1. 1 person per door (double door = 2 people). Independent of anticipated number of patrons.
    2. 1 person / 150 seats. Independent of anticipated number of patrons.
    3. A sufficient number to "reasonably and safely" manage a venue.

    Recommendations: Mandatory and Minimal (based on option "C")

    Most conducive to our needs because it responds to the spirit of compliance, reflects the language of current code issues and allows us flexibility to define a system based upon individual needs to include but not be limited to: available personnel, venue architecture, historical data and budget sensitivity to sponsoring organizations.

    Operating under this system since 2002 has enabled us to establish a working model. Adopting this as part of a campus policy will legitimatize the program and provide the following benefits:

    • Acknowledges an established training program;
    • establishes consistency in operations;
    • compliance with codes and standards of various agencies;
    • facilitates accessibility, organization and management of performing arts venues;
    • addresses one issue of a campus risk management system; and
    • lends credibility to the program.

    Every precaution must be taken to protect the individual who use the building and its equipment: audiences who come in must be protected as members of the public assembly group; invited groups who rent or lease the auditorium and its equipment and often hire university's students, staff and outside personnel to operate it during their rental time, must be protected. Most of these performing arts spaces and buildings are publicly funded buildings and thus supported by taxpayers and thus must be maintained as a piece of public property.  

For additional information about this policy, please contact the Policy Owner listed above.

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