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Course & Program Change Procedure Policy

Outlines the steps for establishing or changing courses, minor programs or major programs. 

Policy Information

Policy Number Policy Owner
1003.1.P Provost/VP of Academic Affairs


  • 7.0 Procedures

    1. A course, minor program, or major program proposal or change, approved at the department level, must be submitted to the School's Course and Program Review Committee.

    2. New or revised Courses after consulting with the School's Course and Program Review Committee, the Dean will grant approval for new courses or revisions to an existing course. The Course Proposal/Revision form and attachments will be transmitted to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs for implementation. If the Vice President sees any problems with the implementation of a new or revised course, the School's Dean and the department chair will be so notified.

    3. Revised Programs: After consulting with the School's Course and Program Review Committee, the Dean will transmit approved revised programs to the Dean of Library and Information Services, who will transmit approved revised programs to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs. If the Vice President sees any problems with the implementation of a revised program, the Dean and the department chair will be notified. Approved revised programs are then forwarded to the Faculty Senate. The Program Proposal/Revision form and attachments will be routed as follows:

       a. Chair of Department

       b. School's Course and Program Review Committee

       c. Dean of Division

       d. Dean of Library and Information Services

       e. Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs

        f. Faculty Senate Executive committee with copies to Faculty Senate Resources and Planning and Curricula and Program Committees

       g. Faculty Senate, if major revisions

    4. New Programs: The Dean should be informed early in the process if a department/center plans to develop a new major or minor program. The Dean shall consult the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs and advise the unit in developing the final proposal. If the Vice President sees any problems with the implementation of a new program, the Dean and the department chair will be so notified. The Program Proposal/Revision form and attachments will be routed as follows:

       a. Chair of Department

       b. School's Course and Program Review Committee

       c. Dean of Division

        d. Dean of Library and Information Services

       e. Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs

       f. Faculty Senate Executive committee with copies to Faculty Senate Resources and Planning and Curricula and Program Committees

       g. Faculty Senate

    5. When the Faculty Senate approves a new program or major program change, it goes to the President for approval. If the President approves, material is forwarded to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs for implementation.

    6. New degree programs and program revisions requiring approval of SUNY System Administration will be submitted to the SUNY Provost by the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs based on materials prepared by the proposing departments following the SUNY Guide to Academic Program Planning

    7. The Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs will specify the date when new programs or program changes are to be effective, and the Registrar’s Office will prepare new or revised Banner and DegreeWorks coding

    8. The Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs will maintain an official file of all approved programs, and an official outline for all approved courses.

For additional information about this policy, please contact the policy owner listed above.

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